Definitely, why did your mum/carer/dad push you to eat healthy, because it's good for you. Same with sports
Guess the average level of intelligence or laziness in kaw if they can't even follow what the thread title says.
No. No. Maybe. Will KaW ever bridge the gap between the casual player, the casual spender, and the leaderboard?
Coke obviously just a gram or 2 Will ufc fans realise if mcrgergor even lands one punch on mayweather he will have overachieved
Milk causes cancer, I don't eat it How much wood could a woodchuck chuck of a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Agree to disagree Why does no one miss me? (The person that answers this better not make a joke about it or else ima murder ur children, once u get em if u havt alrdy)
Because you're trying to murder my alleged future children. Why are you trying to murder my future alleged children?