Yes. With a promise to release a quality game. Which two superheros would you like to see duke it out in a major motion picture?
To start I would say Step 1:Enter home Step 2:Locate electrical socket Step 3:Acquire PC Step 4lug PC into electrical socket (difficult) Step 5:Install preferred OS Step 6:Follow regular installation procedure Step 7epending on whether your computer has a wireless network card or an ethernet adapter, connect to router (that has appeared out of nowhere) Step 8:Wonder why random people are screaming at you for invading their home. Step 9:Leave house You have successfully installed a refrigerator to an electrical socket. I am mildly depressed. What is your opinion on llamas?
It's sad they are only around and not extinct because humans think they are cute and they can carry our stuff. I like llamas. How you meet your significant other?
Yeah sure. Where do you stand on the industralisation of Europe in the 1800s and their impact on creating many items we still use in the modern age?
Difficult to say but it depends on the mood & environment I'm in. I'd give coke top marks for the high alone while pot would get my pick overall due to a lesser risk to health & a greater ability to function when you are using regularly, as long as you've got enough tolerance built up that is. Which writer came up with the commemorative words, "Lest we forget"?
Death, everyone dies in the end.... How would earth be affected if a normal size astroid made of pure diamond hit earth with the speed of light?
Anyone that's made it somewhere without blowing thousands on the game. What're your feelings about the future?