Well babies don't taste very good so definitely cake. Has feminism destroyed the traditional man's role in modern day relationships?
Most feminists contradict themselves. Most men laugh at feminists @ fekt feminist videos on youtube. As a female, i would say i am an equalitarian, rather than a feminist If life was pie, what would you put on it before consuming it? How would you go about creating the pie?
I'd go about doing it like filthy Frank made a cake and add the nastiest ingredients possible. What is love?
life is always being around your family and friends .Money don't mean a thing if you ain't got anyone to spend it on. Snoopy ?? let's make a pact .That every year even if we both retire from kaw for good forever.That we will always return at least once a year for your forum monthly /yearly quizzs .You and Ashes must keep the tradition alive.They are very fun !!
ah yes, good question roni. i must say i prefer mussels over scallops. in an ideal world, how many kittens would you have?
Well, I'll have only one kitten. Because they are rather filling and they take a lot of work to prepare! But taste so great with some seasoning What is your opinion upon the theory of evolution and do you think that humans will ever live forever? Considering that health issues that ever existed before has become common. So maybe by curing other things we've weakened ourselves by living too long?
We just never seem to learn with a lot of things, although, with that said, nobody can deny how far we have come. I don't think we'll last forever though, no. Not only for the fact we're making ourselves immune to medications and are ourselves breeding worse bugs through a lack of finishing medication courses etc but also the love for war, hatred, money and power. We are our own worst enemies and will wipe ourselves out if illness doesn't do it first. My question is - do you believe that serial killers are born evil or that they learn their ways through life?
Interesting question. This all revolves around how you define evil in all honesty. Some think of it as a personal force, i.e. a devil or similar, some think of it as a psychological phenomenon, or a "blip" so to speak in the brain of a being. There are an endless number of possible explanations but for now I want to settle with one in particular, argued by St.Thomas Aquinas. He defined evil as a "privation of good", or absence of good. This definition shows very little about the creation of evil, but it does give us a little idea as to the answer to this question. This lack of good suggests that the good in a person is simply not present, so may not have been present from the start. Alternatively, this supposed "good" could have been removed by something or someone in the upbringing. Examples such as Ian Brady show that the privation of good was ever present due to their psychopathy and resultant lack of empathy, but other examples such as Myra Hindley show an evil developed over time. Neither shows up as more potent than the other. TL;DR: Neither. Or maybe both. My question is: "The moon landing was fake" Do you agree? Give at least two well explained points to support your opinion.
The moon landing was real, i have no facts for it to not be true and cant find a reason why they wouldnt have landed at the moon What would happen if america said they were gona support north korea to 100% no matter what?
Maybe the world would be a better place, My question is what do you do with the fluf in you belly button
Dont have it considering i take a daily bath... Would you choose marriage between Roni or Alison (before you found out she was a he)? Good Luck.
Not knowing who either of those people are I would have to say no, on the basis that in modern particularly Western society people marry for love and arranged marriages are not common (I'm assuming that the only instance that I would be marrying either of these people without previously knowing them would be through arranged marriage, not knowing one's future spouse previously was not uncommon) Who is(are) your hero(es) in life and why?
No one, why look up to people when you can try each day to the person to be looked up to Would you rather be the best guitar player in the world but never play in a band or make money from it or be the wealthiest and most famous person in the world but as a phoney and secretly up to really shady stuff