Ask the next person a question

Discussion in 'Activities' started by _______D_A_R_K_N_E_S_S_______, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. You have 14X as many posts as me
  2. In hell where he belongs.

    Why is ISIS still alive?
  3. ISIS is till alive because there are more people for them to brainwash to be savage animals.

    Plus Obama wants to be a member so........

    What is the best nickname you have ever had? :twisted:
  4. None actually.

    How many licks does It takes to cover the whole planet?
  5. I don't think licks are a valid unit of measurement

    Is anyone else really bored?
  6. Yes

    Why do i not have the powers to create sods out of thin air as a magicman?
  7. Because the devs won't be able to make money then.

    Will you marry me?
  8. No

    What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
  9. You've still got a quarter life left.

    Shampoo followed by conditioner, or two in one?
  10. Two in one

    Why have you failed the city
  11. Lack of motivation for sure.

    Have you thought introspectively about your world views?
  12. No, I have no thought about it since I have no knowledge of the big picture of the outside world!

    Name your most favourite ally that you bought and currently own!

  13. That's not a question.

    Why can't people follow directions?
  14. That's not a question Sean!

    However, I own democrat.

    What is your favorite potion in this game
  15. Potion Of Sight!

    What is your favourite color?
  16. I like hot magenta which they call fuchsia.

    What is your favorite thread of all time?
  17. My favourite thread of all time is Filthy_Maggot's thank you thread dedication to me in September 2015!

    What is your favourite food of all time?
  18. I love hot bucks with checks on the side

    How many potions will i use in this origin?
  19. I have no clue
    Will i go to hell or heaven when i hang myself?
  20. Neither exist.

    Will you marry me?