ask the next person a question game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GuNnYLepine, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Sharfins.

    What is your shoe size and glove size?
  2. 13 Large

    Whats your fondest moment youve ben apart of in Kaw
  3. I. Honestly not really sure.

    How many years have you been playing
  4. 1..

    why r u playing kaw?
  5. Because trying to make people cry in reality is frowned upon.

    What is the sharpest emotional trauma from your childhood?
  6. The moment when I realised I don't have a childhood.

    Are we going on a trip, in our favourite rocket ship?
  7. Yes we are flying though the sky

    Do you think devs have any friends?
  8. They have each other me thinks...

    Why is this thread in eye watering rainbow colours?
  9. Because the OP has too much time on his hands.

    Tell me? Are you a fan of the bush or not?
  10. Who wouldnt love the australian bush?

    Tell me. Does a chicken pee?
  11. Yes

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  12. taco's and Mountain Dew!
    What is the one thing you want to accomplish before your days are done?
  13. Seeing how far I could chuck a woodchuck that could chuck wood.

    Is the answer to this next question, the same as the answer to this one?

    Can all of KaW farm you?
  14. Plz dnt ferm mi

    Can I have a seal
  15. Seals were not meant to be clubbed to death.

    You can tune a piano, but can you tuna fish?
  16. As long as it's canned and in diet form...yes u can. (Amazing protein intake right there)

    If Danny's mother had three children. Her first born was called penny. Her second child was called a quarter. What's her third son called
  17. Deez nuts.

    Paper or plastic?
  18. Paper

    Would you rather steal from an old person or kick a puppy
  19. Kick a puppy. ( already do it accidently when he's by my feet.)

    Would u rather suffocate in a air tight chamber or drown?
  20. Drown.

    If kaw shut down right now what game would you move to?