ask the next person a question game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GuNnYLepine, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. 4.

    Have you ever dreamt about being a superhero?
  2. Yes, I dreamt to become Superman!

    Have you ever tripped while ascending or descending a staircase?
  3. Yeahhh.

    Which country do you hope you wanna visit in the future?
  4. Sweden

    Cats or dogs?
  5. Dogs.

    What is the most impossible thing in this world?
  6. Live happily ever after.

    If you're going to Dante's inferno, which circle would you go?
  7. Sloth, definitely! XD

    Which is your favourite season?
  8. Cant decide. I like Mid spring n fall. x)

    Do you like Nutella?
  9. Haha I probably shouldn't be the one answering this, but yes, obviously 

    What is your favourite cartoon or cartoon character? Can't decide x)
  10. Winnie the sharkbearagator.

    Doesn't nutella have more posts?
  11. It got eaten.

    Do you charge your phones?
  12. Yes...

    Can I have a nob?
  13. Quest more, you'll get one.

    Did you enjoy the weekend?
  14. No.

    Can I have a quest? ;)

    POST 314 :O
  15. You can if you have armies.

    Which one do you like: tank, hansel, ps, etc (please feel free to put what you like)?
  16. The -CERES- build ;) look him up.

    Osu or Michigan?
  17. Osu.

    Collage football or NFL
  18. I hate both

    Whats you favorite color?
  19. Red

    Clippers or Lakers?