Ask Devouring: Why KaW is losing players?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Support

  2. #EagleWillBeHereSoon
  3. Ask Gregg hardy why kaw is dying.

    Interviewer: Gregg, why do you think kaw is dying?
    Gregg: no comment. Next question. Thank you all for coming, I appreciate it.
  4. So, Devouring, does that mean that KaW will now regain it's activity?
  5. Quick question for ya, how do you know KaW is losing players?
  6. Devouring only knows how to potato, and run cults..

    That is all
  7. I'd join a potato cult.
  8. You should ask Rikki about what it takes to get it, he moled his way in years ago, was never quite the same afterwards..
  9. forums were much better back awhile ago imo
  10. Everything was better 'back a while ago'
    Birthdays, Christmases, Saturday mornings before I had kids, my hair line, my waist measurement, sleeping with the wife, my knees, etc, etc.
    My eyesight is still good though so at least I can see it all getting worse ?
  11. That's the spirit Fred :lol: Look for that silver lining :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. Just ask the Devs what they think about the current state of kaw..

    Devs: "Everything is fine with us and our team, YOU people are the problem, so just stop complaining all the time about wanting new content that actually helps the game and player base"


  13. You have a fridge with a bear? Holy crap that's awesome. As far as the ages, why only the mids in each age bracket. Cant a 41 or 42 year old play??
  14. Get a life damn
  15. WTF is Taylord Swiff??

  16. 
  17. Losing players?

    Have you looked behind the fridge? If you lose something, it's nearly always there.

    (Bonus points for anyone who recognizes the quote)