Asian Players! Don't join this crappy PVP event.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, May 30, 2015.

  1. Sorry but this is a terrible idea. Some time zone somewhere will be at a disadvantage because of the times. Therefore, they have chosen that the minority will have the disadvantage, in order to please the majority. I know this isn't necessarily fair on the minority, but that's the sort of thing that people have to just accept, not everything will go your way
  2. It's not only a problem of a single timezone, but it's an event that risks not to reward activity but to reward those that manage to be active in the last 12 hours.

    Asian timezones (especially far east) really get hammered by the fact that they will all be asleep the last hours of this PvP event and see their tokens getting stolen away. You basically could be LB 1 before going to sleep and wake up with no tokens left and the event just ended.

    Strange anyway to end this event on a Monday/Tuesday which isn't very convenient for most of us, regardless of timezones.
  3. You expected pvp events to get better??

    just look at how they destroyed ee wars, its a 1 way ticket off a cliff, but hang on at the end you get an achievement in the next game they bring along
  4. I'd like you to know that Vancouver has never won the Stanley Cup.
    Alhaitham likes this.

  5. What us a terrible idea? Shifting the end time two hours? Or having items combine into bigger unstealable ones? Nothing you said actually addresses my solution, which makes me wonder if you read the whole post.
  6. I'll this promo one thing, compared to the shards where a single hit would take away maybe 100 shards, it seems hard to lose even one shard in this event.
  7. England has the best tz. This event doesn't mean they have to lose a wink of sleep 8pm is when it ends. If you're so bothered about them screwing you...don't join the event 
  8. Yeah but then again...pearl harbor sucked... I'm of coarse talking about the movie Pearl Harbor. This has nothing to do with the thread.
  9. Minority is minority, black guys don't complain coz they're black. Well some might, but deal wif it. Cater to the majority and not the minority, it's like people want an excuse to shout "RACISTS!".
  10. If your #1 on the lb you've no lifed it up to there anyway. May aswell no life the last few hours?....
  11. If you've been inactive for a length of time (an hour is my estimate) attacks stop coming in. I think you are removed from the bl until you open the app again.

  12. Totally disagree with this. Who uses the BL? My clan coordinates own targets and wait until they nod off to sleep.
  13. your history
    Add Seattle n Victoria to your data bank also
  14. Partially true

    Yes, you are removed from BL if you're inactive.

    No, the attacks would still come in, esp if you pay out well. Ppl don't hit pvp purely from BL.
  15. I may or may not live by the dev's office building....
    Want me to go slap them for you :lol:
    By the way, we may be hosers, but at least we aren't like the rednecks below us... (No offence guys, it's a joke, don't take it seriously).

    But seriously, devs, frog is right, actually, ending the event at midnight pst would not be so bad....

    I would actually prefer this, as I have better things to do then stay up all night protecting me stuff too.....
  16. The Vancouver Millionares have won a single stanly cup. The current Vancouver Team (The Canucks) has never won a cup
  17. 100 hundred years ago!! That doesn't even really count anymore.
  18. Were you not one of the players asking for items to be able to be stolen ?

    And argued after the first event with steals enabled for them to be dropped as they destroy the investment potential of many players. Not just Asia but all time zones.

    Devs are shooting themselves in the foot with event steals for the sake of a few loud tank builds or lb that can't be touched.
    Shame a good point will be lost because of how it was presented.
    Hopefully ata will allow people to keep their earnt items as it is easy to destroy an enemies chances in an event anyway. Without having to make their items disappear as well. Even if at set intervals.
  20. Devs don’t have a clue how to help. This game sucks