Well just to get an idea of the terrible match up, the number one in the clan we fought has about 6M CS. That is about what our #24 has.
I was in a FF clan. Our number #1 matched at their #8. Our #15 matched in at their weakest member, #33. It took about 8 minutes before we sat in KO for 2.5 hrs. At that point they were all full bar regen w/o xtalling and we tried full clan regens to get back into it. We matches in with 31 vs their 33. Tough to be a 'REAL' warrior and take it (and not FF just being we were scared to lose) when it was that bad of a beatdown. After 2.5 hours we were 1:5 on plunder. Not to take away from.the great clan we warred as they had our time in from KO figures out from the second we were back in and were very well organized. I could have lived with an 'unfair' 2:1 loss from them.
And thank you devs for the replacement mith. I hope the match ups get fixed as I know it left a sour taste for war about the new system in a few peoples mouths. Butt's a lil sore after that whoopin too!
Maybe if these wars were 24 hours... But if you seriously can't hold out for 2-1 hours longer, and simply quit because you can't get anywhere is... Rather sad. It's disappointing for the winning clan, who organized well, who maybe wanted to see how much they won by. All these FF clans will say 'they didn't FF because they were scared', they FFed because they couldn't hit back. Exactly, you were scared of either. a) Taking a thrashing, and having that sit on your war history. b) The fact that you wern't gaining anything, so you were losing time you could be in an EB. Come on Devs, it's 4 hours... Take away the FF button.. :|
Just as a defense. We were losing, but that didn't mean we also didn't organize well or put time and money into the war. I feel bad for the winning sides not 'getting to see that they in fact WOULD have outplundered us 10:1'. Honestly though, I don't think a well prepared and organized team who appreciates a good war, would like to be that lopsided either. We signed on to a war test that was supposed to be well matched and instead, got to sit 2 hrs watching their 25-30 keeping our whole clan in check from the bench. As a beta test war, that was enough of the test round for me to see that something wasn't right. I would much rather lose than forfeit. But to see the number of players in forums and wc turned off by the prospect of warring in a new system made to promote wars...I'd say forfeits were justified. Sorry for you're missed enjoyment of finishing the throttling of an undermatched opponent.
It just means the other team was better than you. In the EE wars the other week, Merc Inc were actually smaller than us. However, their sheer strategy and amazing knowledge of the war system made us lose. Did we forfeit because we got beaten by a reasonable margin? No we didn't, we kept fighting, and made use of every opportunity we were given. You just need to have strategy and knowledge and loyal clan members. Merc Inc had all three perfect, that's why they won. Just because you don't have the strategy, knowledge or loyalty as a clan doesn't mean you should give up, or not learn those strategies by observing. EBs can wait for two hours... :|
I can agree to getting beat. What is your reasonable margin? Our roster was smaller. We were outmatched roughly 2:1 cs as a clan. And we gave it a go. Our strategy didnt exist after 10 minutes. That's how bad we were outmatched. Hindsight, I've heard 34 of 500 teams participated. That's pitiful and would be a main reason of mismatches. Mad props to our opponents. It was a learning experience for us...don't let someone else pick a fight you can't win. But in all honesty, it was fun. And I didn't think about how mad it would make some winners to take a FF over a one sided slugfest. Will keep it in mind for our next butt-whooping.
We blew out a clan worse then you did in our last war but i don't think the matchup is bad ... Its just that they has many inactive players so it ends up being a plunder war.
Please remember that these are "beta" wars which means that things are being tweaked and worked on The devs know what's up, and I am sure it will be addressed
Ah yes, the algorithm must have changed somehow. Our last war was close and fun; this time the opposite clan landed the grand total of 33 successful actions over 2 hours (then the ff). They managed about 115M to our 27.6B. About as difficult as punching someone sitting on a toilet. I saw MWs that were not that unbalanced. :mrgreen: The thing is, they had a bunch of really small accounts (79 peeps joining overall) versus our 30 people. While we were matched up as far as total strength, as it turns out they could not hit us almost at all. So could not have been fun for them. I think the issue is real but evidently the clan strength is measured as a sum of total strengths. There ought to be an average strength measure to even it out. Still, this is Beta, that's why we are doing it.
I personally think this EEW isn't ready to be released. I think the devs need to go back to the drawing board. Yes some things are right and need to be left alone. After the debacle last night and all the miss matches , it's obvious there is still a ton of work to do on this type of war system. PLUS FOR THE LOVE OF KAW!!!! LOWER THE DAMN MITH PRICES