Art of Epic Battles Stands up

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -AoW_iChaos_AoW-, Mar 26, 2014.

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  1. SS of this slander against AoEB?
  2. Jambern69 has already run from the fight, off to K.o.S for war will be his excuse but we all know a true clan leader wouldn't do that don't we.
  3. Still ee! U guys dont give enough inc, so i had to get my ee on! So, i will see u soon! I dont run, i am still filling ur newsfeed at noor!
  4. Priceless, Jam just stripped my ally. While I'm clearly awake. That's another failed strip from AOW, good work fella 
  5. No failed strip, i needed an ally for war. Thnx buddy. Ur words are very encouraging. Oh yeah, what point did u guys not get…… quit following my members feeding them full of crap. Ur owner needs to own up to her threat and quit crying to my members and telling lies! Face it, u made threat, live with it. Reap what u sew
  6. I can confirm Jams story. He warred at K.o.S all season 3. I warred with him there.

    Support to AoW
  7. Weren't you AoW Damascus? If so I would suggest your comments might be slightly bias.
  8. Okay. I was AoW. I understand your skepticism of me. Jams story can be confirmed with others if I am not believable. But then it will be a moot issue once the war is over and he returns to AoW
  9. Support to AoW they are a great eb clan!
  10. SUPPORT AOW !!!!
  11. The news is ..........

    Meant to be in newsfeed.

    iChaos please request lock.
  12. yeah newsfeeds that aint happing to none of us boring bunch of noor girls back to ebs i guess lol -ΔΩШ-
  13. Many AOW members have PM'ed me asking why their clans are at war with mine. I get the impression many didn't know it was coming. I had decided not to post forums again, at the request of my clan, to stick to warring instead of talking, but instead of explaining it individually this seemed quicker. I will try to keep this as short as possible, but I think the facts speak for themselves and I will provide my perspective on what happened.
    Also, before any trolls jump the gun and say I am crying in forums. I'm not. I am enjoying the war and although we are yet again doing the David vs. Goliath fight, this time 5 against 1, my whole clan is enjoying this war, and there will be no ceasefire request from Noor and definitely no crying.
    The timeline is as follows:
    Noor entered a war to help a clan called Kingdoms of the Forgotten (KOTF) who were fighting the clan KOTFE.
    7 APOC Alliance clans joined soon after. We agreed to keep fighting despite the odds and continued to do so.
    A member of KOTFE named Rebel, posted my wall, the usual smacktalk, not a big deal... but another person from Clan AOW decided to slam me on Rebel's wall. I felt it was unnecessary and lame since he was not involved and I had never met him, so I told him to mind his business. This person's name was Dark Horse, with a few bar codes. I could have ignored the remark, but I tend to speak when spoken to. He pm'ed me, told me that Rebel was a member of his family, blah blah blah. Could I have been more polite in my treatment of him? Sure. Do I regret it? Nope. We battered with a few insults, pretty mild since Rebel was on a "reporting inappropriate comments to mods" kick and had tried to say I stated personal information about him on his wall by asking if he was the alt of a person I fought before whose kaw name was Chad. I chose my words carefully after that lol.
    I have ss of my conversation with Dark Horse. I called him Katy Perry because I thought with her lyrics all over his wall, that he seemed female. He told me Rebel was his brother, which in my experience, likely means alt...
    He then said to me "we will be talking more in the future. We will see why."
    Which seemed threatening to me, but since I was already warring 7 clans, well big deal if one more lame smack talking kid jumps in lol.
    The following day, Dark Horse unloaded on a member of my clan Lotu, in fact I have ss of him admitting they were done "from his phone" but "by someone else." So I contacted the clan owner, -AoW_Nideus_AoW- and told him. I said we wanted no trouble with his clan, but that his member had hit my member and was insulting me on walls. He then lectured me about warring KOTFE, which I felt was none of his business. I pointed out their clan page which mentioned not a farming clan, and don't bring OSW trouble here... He said he would speak to his member and Dark Horse apologized. I felt Nideus had been rude and he said I had threatened him, so I simply said "I will deal with you and your clan later." He messaged me again asking what I meant, but I was busy warring so I ignored him.
    Blah blah blah, KOTF and KOTFE agree to a ceasefire. I set about rebuilding my somewhat diminished pots and put my phone down lol. Came back during a strip of my allies, Flyerhockey and Wild69fattie.
    Bummer, ambush... lol
    I bought a clanmate, upgraded and traded out some spy defense towers I couldn't afford in the previous war, then I replenished more pots. Which leads to the difference in the claim AoW makes about how much they took in the strip.
    A few minutes later Ichaos posted their declaration of war in forums and I "set down my purse cause the brown stuff got real." LOL.
    I know this is lengthy, sorry folks.
    There will be no ceasefire request from Noor, we will fight to the bitter end. There will be no apology from me, I apologize if I am wrong and I feel I was justified in all that I did. Anyone thinking Noor will disband? Well don't hold yer breath.
    So that is how it happened from my point of view. I don't expect anyone to particularly believe me, since other than the ss I have of the conversation with Dark Horse, the proof wasn't saved. He said/she said, unless you happen to know me and know I don't sugarcoat, and how important being honest is to me. Back to war 
  14. Blah blah back to getting smashed^^ there getting smashed by our "eb" clans so good luck and enjoy
  15. Good luck Noor, I like your style 
  16. I don't know noor. But I do know that I really enjoy your writing morgana. Kudos to you and good luck in your osw. 
  17. Making thread about your war to make your clan look better sure seems very attention needy to me, but good luck to both sides
  18. Blah blah blah. Looks like crying to me 

    Keep saying 7 clans jumped u lol if it makes u feel strong.

    Maybe Morgana will start another war during this one so her clan can fight 3 in a row! I don't doubt her capabilities to throw that foot in her mouth again but I am seeing a shortage of clans that haven't stepped all over them 
  19. I never used the word jumped, I used the word joined, and that word is accurate.  it's always an absolute pleasure to see you posting about me nightmare, I'm flattered by all your attention. I'm secretly hoping every step I make in kaw you will continue to pay me the attention you have been  it makes me happy to know I made such an impression on someone as big and important as you  I hope you have an awesome day and wonderful, wonderful weekend! 
  20. holy moly it's back swabs jr  what a joke. Swabs can't fight pvp either hmmm makes ya wonder....
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