Ares vs Sparta elite owner and friends

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_One_Original_FaIrY_DeViL_-, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Hey. JBB is in SE. Isn't she the one who loves to talk about how much forums are just as much a part of the game as anything else? :lol: but now SE says only butthurt noobs post threads.
    Sorry to run my mouth, but yeah...
  2.  So anybody who post on forums. Is a forum warrior. Oh and weebus. You failed earlier. So I know you used pots.
  3. So you were in black hand but were only active for 1 day? Sure...
  4. @ Haunted
    Forum warrior= tough guys offering support to someone they don't know with an alt or even better a statless alt.
  5. I'm sorry! All the noobness is running together in my head!
  6. Nope. Read it again alt warrior. Forums are a good part of the game. Helping many new players understand the game physics. What i do have a problem with is whiners that cry for forum sympathy

    The funny thing is the people siding are tiny  alts. Not just this butthurt thread but all butthurt threads. A mass army of alts arise to save the poor poor OP
  7. Lol I don't support OP. I learned my first go round that war clans are actually quite reasonable. Whatever he did is his business :lol: Ares isn't a forum warrior tho. I haven't seen him post since the op 
  8. I guess you didn't understand what he said on the first page? Did he criticize your comprehension skills? In the pm?
  9. Is that why your so mad? 
  10. -Nubus: I used spy pots to ass you down. Attacking you was the same (but better) as hitting anyone else with a noob target screaming "IM A HYBRID I PAY MORE THAN ANYONE AND IM A FOR SURE WIN"

    I'm done on this thread. Watch your news feed and allies. Alt posting invertibrates: according to my social ladder of forum ranks (and personality traits) you rank somewhere between plankton and whale  sperm. Continue trolling this thread and adding to SE's notoriety, you're helping them out 
  11. Holly **** there's another floppy on here
  12. Yes but i am the original.
  13. So apparently se agreed to a 1v1 with Ares and they choose their leader who is 3x as big as Ares fully mithed up anyone find that a bit over the top way to flex those muscles se :/ fail. Lol
  14. Lol why not send the leader into war?
  15. Its a 1v1 SE has nothing to do with this. He trash talked me as a leader and apoc family in pm to a trusted admin of mine. Im battering him and will continue to batter him. Show your main and ill batter you to.
  16. ^ exactly. I just didn't feel like typing it all
  17. You guys crying on the forums About 1v1are bitches lol
  18. Because its not showing you have better skill in warring just more muscle kinda looks weak to me for such a prestigious clan.
  19. Post big with an alt looks weaker dumbass 