Ares vs Sparta elite owner and friends

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_One_Original_FaIrY_DeViL_-, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Most people only say they they are going to farm people BECAUSE they post with their alts.
  2. As far as posting on alts goes. It shouldnt be allowed by ata. It encourages lying and false representation. If you dont have to take any responsibility for yourself, your opinion isnt valid. Its pretty cowardly imo. And so are ppl that post on alts because they are afraid of the repercussions that come with running your mouthpiece. Where I come from. Ppl keep quiet if they dont have nice things to say. If they dont but still speak. They already know whats coming and that is admirable in a sense.
  3. That just shows me that they are pussies (I wonder if that's censored) out of the game as well as in game, not the people I like to befriend.
  4. Lol @ benefit. Where you come from you have 600 people that jump on whoever opposes your words. So of course we post with alts.

    IMO what you guys do is wayyyyy more cowardly than posting with an alt. Guarantee if I called you out 1v1 I'd own you. And you would then rely on your clan to farm me to make me stop. If I sit on you for a week you will call your clan in. Even if you agree to 1v1. So your statement is invalid and alts are acceptable. Don't like it? Stay off of forums. Alts have been around since I started playing and haven't and aren't going anywhere.

    Would I have been able to say this without you getting angry and having your entire clan farm me? No I wouldn't have. Am I lying or spreading false info? I don't believe so bud. So sometimes alts are necessary
  5. Alts may be here to stay, but that does not change the fact that using one to post makes you a
  6. (wish I would have used an alt to post that)
  7. I'll try that once again
  8. All these 1v1's lol... A 1v1 is pointless, you whack one another all day, go to sleep, exchange hits , rinse repeat. It's also pure spies and hansels that call for 1v1's the loudest LOL. Pin troops on eb and spy burn, that's the heroic way to play!
  9. Don't like consequences for your words? Maybe you should join a gardening forum..can't be farmed on there...

    Your opinion means nothing if you don't have the balls to post it with accountability.
  10. Posting with an alt is like me anonymously bribing a middle school child to go talk **** to the biggest gang he can find.

    Philosopher and Mickey do raise a few interesting points about the subject though.
  11. I hate it when you're arguing with someone then they say 'I'll get my main on you'. Most of the time they don't even have a main and they say that because they are scared to fight someone with similar stats to them...
    Most of the time I just hit them and say 'bring it on' 
  12. Some times u need to sift through the BS in order to decipher what people are really saying. In that respect I've translated op's original post into plain english and present it below for your perusal.

    Op says:
    "Well. What can i say? Me and the owner of sparta elite fell out after I did something he did not agree with and he kicked me from his clan. Personally i was infuriated because I feel as if I got kicked for no reason, but its a difference of opinions."
    Translation: I was behaving like an ass and got the bum's rush and now I'm feeling pretty butthurt.

    Op says:
    "Then I tried to confide my thoughts and opinions on the matter with someone I thought I could trust annnnddddd she went and told him my thoughts so he then proceeded to farm me along with a few other sparta elite members."
    Translation: I started talking trash behind SE's back because I was afraid if they found out then some of them would start farming me. They did find out.

    Op says:
    I dont know maybe they thought I would lie down like a little dog and take my whipping but In fact im enjoying this little 1vclan and dont plan on breaking for a while.
    Translation: I am a nice little puppy. An underdog really. You like underdog puppies don't you?

    Op says: Blah blah blah. Translation: HELP ME! HELP ME! PLEASE! SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! PLEEEASE!
    :roll: Well that's what I got out of it anyway :roll:
  13. @ Phil.

    Well then, we disagree. You didn't sway my opinion I think alt posting is a masked cowards approach. A good parallel would be the "telephone tough guy" view. If someone called you a pansy ass little ***** to your face you'd more likely slap them out. If someone called you on the phone an did that, you might investigate who / where they are but you'll likely end up hanging up because they are just a voice on the phone

    @ Satan:
    Anyone educated in any form of warfare will agree: victory is achieved through forward momentum and strength at arms by superior firepower. This game favors the defender so it requires more than one (usually) to win. A platoon never attacks a platoon, it attacks a section, A company vs a platoon and so on and so forth.

    Some fighting units are more potent than others (ex: a helicopter against a dismounted patrol almost always favors the chopper, same as a stacked bfa player against a plunder capped one, the added factor of activity ofc). So calling for 1 v 1's with your stats and build is laughable. You are small for a reason (and before you say it's deliberate, I say you're also choosing the calibre of your opponent by staying so small).
  14. Got to love mightymjolnir post  couldn't agree more 
  15. @weezus. Your delusional if you think I meant 1v1 on this little acct bro. And if i posted that with my main and directed it at you solely id still have your entire alliance jump me. So it would be stupid of me to do so.

    Because I'm not going to let your alliance use their brute force against my one acct and I choose to post with a smaller one that you guys don't wanna hit that makes my opinion invalid? No. That makes me smart and males you a bully. Cuz let's face it. If I posted this with my big acct all you guys would tee off on it. Basically your saying that just because you are in a huge alliance that your opinion means more than mine and that's garbage and we both know it. Stroke your ego as much as you like but you know my opinion is just as valid as anyone elses
  16. And the reason this acct is so small is because it is grown from war. Not mindlessly hitting ebs like your clan does.

    Laughable. Let's point out some laughable facts. True Spartans by their own admission have never been in an osw by themselves for longer than 3 weeks. That's laughable
  17. Did you even read what I wrote?
  18. And the 3 weeks thing came are kimmies words not mine so laugh at that. Less than 3 weeks yet consider yourselves a war clan. Now I'm laughing lol
  19. Original sin your a pansy if that's a 1v1 to you. My 1v1's consist of whacking for a few days to find sleep times and then stripping and maxxing xtals on some one. Then I have sleep times. Rinse and repeat. If all you do in 1v1 is pin the opponent then you are weak and pathetic as a warrior and have no room to talk about warring