Ares vs Sparta elite owner and friends

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_One_Original_FaIrY_DeViL_-, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Bully and proud KotFE and proud

    Alison had been a target of Kotfe no once not twice but 3-4 times. Did bh roll over when hitting targets I don't think so! Has Zaft or iG let targets walk cause they felt sorry for them no! We are a war clan and do as we wish untill such time as someone decides to come at us we will keep doing as we wish!

    Haters gonna hate lovers gonna love! Everyone has a opinion on how this game should be played yet not many will take the bulls by the horns and play
  2. I see that a lot.. People crying foul at the size of apoc, if you don't like how they play, go play in the other sandbox with the other kids. Or, take your ball and go home in tears because no one played fair.

    That being said, your 1 mil cs build and evident dedication to the game ( made apparent by the level of commitment required to hit such peaks) seems to hold just the resolve necessary to band all of KaW together under one banner to take them all down.

    (Read that last run on sentence sarcastically)
  3. Tiss Tiss spartan yes I posted my first ss because in your first post you said it started out as a 1v1 proven lie. Also if you can see the times then you clearly can see the time on the second ss of the attack when the 1v1 agreement happened as it happened right after the failed strip(which you failed to ackowledge) third i didnt post this because i was butthurt about getting kicked I personally dont care I posted because i was accepting this challenge that you declared when your clan originally started hitting me after i voiced an opinion. Soooooo any other lies and pointless paragraphs you want to throw out there to try and save face?
  4. Oh come on already, take your ass whoopin, And go on with your life. Jesus, you act like this farming of your account is the end of you. Just apologize, realize you don't mess with anyone from apocalypse and go on your merry way.
  5. Exactly!! Thankyou Olibear. Now bore off forums ares. Weve bigger fish to fry right now than your worthless ass. Good riddance
  6. To stop me farming you day in day out. Its simple. Apologise. You have no allys. Your pots are worthless.This will be this way for along time i dnt care. Im happy to play with you day in day out for the drama youve caused.

    The title you put is Ares vs Sparta Elite and Owner. I kept it 1 on 1. Cuz thats all it takes to pin your sorry ass and your other accounts

    Close this forum thread and apologise. They are the terms.You have your get out clause. See you when the fog clears...


    ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟--ػཥཐའϯཐ--ཛ།༏ϯཇ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟
  7. I agree with that one  
  8. Lmfao I like how Spartan still has nothing to say about breaking the 1v1 or failing at a strip or the fact that regardless as to when or how big the sun clan is you offered him ownership so apparently he did something right lol Spartan sounds dumb on here and makes se look even worse lmfao
  9. Does anyone else not understand that?  :s
  10. Haters gonna hate noobs gonna cry same story different day  
  11. Lmao what is funny is the noob alt with no stats which is most likely ares himself calling us out. Well ill tel you what pop up ya main and your clan and wel see how you talk then. Im sick of the SE haters. We war we war well. Weve won every osw. We fight anyone were not botherd win or lose. We play the game how it should be played. Hence why we are a part of the best war alliance in Kaw.

    Stop hiding behing alts!?!? Im here my link is right there  no more trash talk. Play the game........
  12. I agree with that 
    Behind* 
  13. Posting with an alt? You're doing it all wrong, like this guy
  14. @welcome

    What is the big deal about posting with an alt? If he's got it on a device, he can post with any damn account he wants to. How about actually arguing the content of the argument instead of getting your panties in a bunch over a guy's alt?
  15. Posting with an alt: Generally perceived to be a shifty way to get your opinion across, although you aren't proud of what you're saying and / or are afraid of the repercussions of your words affecting the well being of your main account.

    I know that's probably lost on you (an alt).
  16. @weezus

    All is fair in love and war, and this is a war game. Posting with an alt is just smart. Why expose your main that u worked so hard at building. Even the real world uses alts. USSR used Ho Chi Ming to attack the USA and the USA used the Taliban to attack the USSR. The Cold War was all about alts, baby.
  17. @weezus

    Your statement that posting with alts means you're not proud about what you re saying does not make sense to me. How can you prove this?

    Also, how do you define alt? This account is by far my smallest, but I consider it my main.
  18. Lets agree on a couple things:

    1) if someone has no fear of repercussion they tend to speak over zealously. Because they can.
    2) I consider an alt as being someone with nothing to lose and no time invested in the game (low stat players or pure spy barcodes)

    Good for you if that's your main, but I would say that your "main" is the player you focus your "main effort" into.

    It's easy to be brass and unreasonable when you have nothing to lose.
  19. Sorry weezus I can't agree on those things.

    1) just as small accounts speak zealously, big accounts tend to farm zealously because they can. Take Troll, for instance, who regularly threatens to farm anyone in the forums who doesn't agree with him. I think people should be able to speak frankly without the constant fear of being pinned. Alts allow this.

    2) if this is true, then only big, LB accounts would be allowed to post in forums, because they have done more work than anyone else. I however, believe in a more democratic forums, where a new player or a resetted player has just as much right to post as does a LB player. The validity of an argument has no relation with the size of the account posting it.

    I thus respectfully disagree with the logic of your two premises.