Are you freaking kidding me ATA?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IVIONSTEJZ__TTV, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Making a valid remark now makes you a "wannabe."

    Take note, children.
  2. Lol I'm assuming you don't know saber
  3. Really this thread has balanced views. I have no idea what Devs next steps are. Speculation about new lands, buildings and other things. The truth is we get told things as they happen. Complaining about pimd getting something that we do not get makes no difference I would rather wait for promos to happen and don't 2nd guess them. If pimd get things and we do not that's hardly a big deal. I never got far in pimd I just lost interest and rather spend time on KaW but I see some people enjoy it.

    Maybe a KaW v PiMd war some how? Winners get a free lands complete token with maxed out buildings and 100T gold. 10.000 of each pots, pro packs if you have them dinner for two at the most expensive place you can think of. A house fully furnished, top of the range car and shares of KAW.

    Oh no support.

    I don't think we should worry about pimd I might become a netball player next time I have a life's crisis
  4. On topic though pimd is constantly having events like this, I think ata is trying to get people to actually play the game instead if rp lol. I don't know how many of you have ventured over there but about half of the active accounts are statless rp'rs and very few people play the game seriously.

    Honestly I don't care though, I'm happy with kaw, there are clearly areas where it can be improved but there's no need to cry over it. Let's just enjoy what we have and wait patiently for that special update we are all waiting for :)
  5. Just came from the supermarket. I'm soooo super angry. There was a special offer for Fanta. 3 bottles of 2liters for the price of one. And no offer for Coca-Cola. WTF is this ****??? Going to search for some Coca-Cola Company forum to rant a bit. Bbl cupcakes.
  6. Because that is exactly the same thing *rolls eye emoji*

  7. Did you check the price before promo. I bet you did not. Just buy water. It's better for you and cost nothing.

    Every business has to make money they would not excist without profit. Promotional sales are lost leaders to attract people into buying other things in supermarkets and other shops. What you never realise is your being conned into thinking you have a deal all you have is things you may not have really wanted -sucker-

    KaW is virtual things they don't really excist KaW is a RP game really. Not of a explicit nature but it's still a form of RP.

    Comparing Virtual reality to physical objects is impossible.

    Now I think I might drink a can of red bull. If I don't get my wings this time I may write them a letter showing them how annoyed I am that I can not fly.
  8. Your clan dropped you :D and you kinda ran n after talking ****. Where are you *****? Let me show you what a "Capital C I am". :D
  9. You know that RedBull have been sued in USA by consumers complaining they didn't got their wings? And they lost =)
  10. in the end the of the day you ain't nothing, But a little *****.
  11. And about comparing virtual goods with material ones. No I don't. I compare products. At the end of the day KaW and PIMD are exactly this: products. I love a product KaW/Coca-Cola made by a company ATA/Coca-Cola Company . Now that company ATA/Coca-Cola Company decided to have a promo for a product I dislike (PIMD/Fanta) instead running the promo for what I like KaW/Coca-Cola.
  12. Except you're a moron and forget the fact that soft drinks have distributors, and venders. The vendors are the ones who mark prices and make "deals".

    Metaphor is invalid.
  13. As long as people buying seals like their going out of style, I don't see Devs doing 2x money for PvP hits here. Not to mention Pimd users don't have access to computers (aka BOTS) where people will just have their accounts farm their spy over and over again. Other clans
    Would just have their biggest spy open for clan mates rather than actually man up and hit BL. Obviously some would take advantage a 2x Promo the way it was meant, but not enough. Not that I wouldn't look forward to it anyway mind you, but you'd have to limit incoming to full spies to keep people from gaming the system. Also would live to see an entire week with no EB's, but I'm sure we just have another thanksgiving or Christmas cash grab in our future.
    Hopefully I'm way off base and wrong, but probably not.
  14. Vendors are not doing marketing strategies for multi-national corporations. When there is a special offer for any Coca-Cola product here in Netherlands, there's exactly same promo when I go home in Romania.
  15. You didn't mention "marketing strategies" previously and my post obviously didn't reference that. You referred to the unit price of a good in a super market.

    You simply mentioned PRICES, in which you are dead wrong.
  16. Lol, Troll just got owned, always trying to correct someone. Doesn't even know the flavor of the kool aid. Now trying to backtrack and save face. Freaking goofball, go sit in corner.
  17. Not always true, I go to specific shops near me because they always have certain products on offer that others do not.
  18. Nobody was owned. Was a debate and not a competition about who owns who.
  19. Don't get scared Vlad. Troll ain't nobody, he's just drunk.
  20. Says the statless alt :lol: