are you a Bh hater?

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by renamed112214, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. You're*
  2. Thanks for the correction
  3. That grammar, though.
  4. And who said it was????
  5. You don't have to state whether or not something is grammar, because grammar is in everything. Grammar is periods, commas, semi commas, quotation marks, question marks, ect.
  6. This thread as you pointed out. Isn't about grammar so plz stay on topic. Have a good day lovely I'll be in your news fed more soon enough.
  7. Hit me. I miss you. You've been pushed out of my newsfeed already.
  8. I'm back smooches

  9. Sorry. I'm playing with other friends now, cause you ignored me.
  10. We all know that's a lie I would never leave you alone
  11. It's a shame you need to get members from two of your clan to hit me I must be doing something right
  12. Props to bam bam though tell him to keep it up
  13. Edited out the bypass.

    Enjoy your forum holidays for 24 hours.

    Happy thanks giving.
  14. you to eagle
  15. And lovely it's hard hitting all the black hand member that I am at once so I must show you all love can't have ever one thinking I forgot about them I don't want that would I
  16. Black Hand hates Komora is a better thread.
  17. Are you high?
  18. Funny how my news feed slowed down must be nap time for the little kids
  19. Oh no scout bombs

  20. Bruh you serious? Lmfaoo I feel like gaming you for complaining about alpha and xtreme 