are you a Bh hater?

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by renamed112214, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. Man I can't even be assed going to photobucket and posting an SS. It's statistically impossible. Post your SS of me losing 24 shards.
  2. lIIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIl sorry wrong person
  3. What color is the sun on your planet?
  4. Val, maybe he stole from me..?
  5. Too scared? I don't get scared over an online game cupcake. Most noobs by the time they reach my size have figured out it's not a smart idea to call people out 
  6. Names were close but I'm to big to say I'm wrong and sorry
  7. Love how the forum name brings in a larger group of bh member you guys tisk tisk don't turn your backs on your clan now lol
  8. bring it Bh ur a bunch of little babys ;)
  9. Sf? What are you? From PIMD?
  10. lIlI_x_BlackHandXTREME_x_Illl
    Kicked me off his forum lol I wonder why
  11. I think he means strip farm, but I have been told by pimd players that sf means ceasefire.

    Both terms used but pimd thought, never heard of the term stripping being used or osw, it's all osf or bullies picking on people according to pimd.
  12. Guise. This is harassment.
  13. Thread*.
  14. Thread*
  15. your so smart
  16. And of you call What black hand is doing farming I must own a plantation filled with black hands members
  17. XTREME is such a Noob! 
  18. Earnt earnt a word and it earnt in the dictionary.
  19. Can I join in on this?

    Bh sucks!!
  20. OP could you please refrain from making low grade threads on tiny statless alt.