And as of the video It's said 'NOT HALAL' If any of you my dear friend would search what halal means You would understand Here's a simple wiki link that will help you understand Now that will hopefully make you understand it We Muslim brothers can accept food from Christian and Jews ( as long as it's Halal) In Sunni Islam, meats slaughtered by Christians and Jews are halal, unless explicitly prohibited, like pork. In Surah 5:5 of the Qur'an, it is written: "The food of the People of the Book is lawful for you." Whether this verse refers to any food of the People of the Book is disputed. I've read one of the user can't really remember . Said Muslims prefer not to eat non-halal food and starve Rather then having a non-halal food and disobey The One And Only God ( Allah, (S,W,A,T)) I think I've said enough and far too much I'm sorry if you found me annoying Thank you NileLion Edit : for those who hate to be sympathetic
Sorry, but since when have people that believed they were fleeing potentially for their lives been expected to be reasonable? Fight or flight doesn't really use logic, or reason. The ones that are genuine don't have the capacity to reason.
Sign of Christianity and Muslims working together in a small country where majority is Muslims Why can't it be done in Europe .? Don't tell me cause of what's majority ( I'd really not like that to be the reason )
It is done in most parts of Europe. I can see 3 mosques from my loft widows. My neighbours are Muslims and their kids are around at our house nearly everyday. Their mother doesn't even speak English yet (though she's getting better )
@ Rio. When running in fear of your life yes I agree. When in a safe holding area with aid being offered. Surely one person could have thought of an easy solution. Even one of the guards. One person initially shouts out in protest and is rapidly joined. No thought for their own survival or thanks for those offering aid. It takes little ( very little ) rational to understand refusing food that is acceptable is not a great idea. It was just a way to protest against being held in a camp IMO. And no one should be forcefully denied food due to the actions of those few men. Unfortunately with the culture they come from it is an expected irrational response. It is also why their is a lot of cultural issues where they settle in western nations. As said on other threads. The best way to help is to aid them in securing their own nations free from oppression.
You know the cross in the Swiss Confederation flag represents the Arma Christi right? Since the 1300s the white cross was used by the Cantonal troops in battle and refers straight back to Christian symbology. On the other hand I feel we should apply reciprocity in these cases. They should be free to practice their religion in the same way others are treated in their country of origin.
After reviewing this thread, here is what I've come up with....... It's compassionate to help these refugees, and a civilized society should do that, so, here is out Red Cross aid to you! (I hear pork was offered from some of you in forum. Cite your source for this or I won't believe you) As a citizen of planet earth, you, along with everyone else, can follow any religion you please, or none at all. If you choose to die for your religion because that's your thing, bully for you! We offered help, but it is your right to refuse it and die in a gutter. The world doesn't always meet you or me on our terms, and sometimes you need to take what is offered and be thankful. However, we cannot force feed you, nor should we be expected to cater to your every whim. We have our own cultures and customs as well. The choice of accepting the help you're offered or starving is yours. If the Red Cross offends you, that's tough. If my kids were dying and someone offered me a box of food with obamas picture on it, and a donkey on the side, I'd eat it and be thankful. Ultimately, a civilized society is offering compassionate help, but it is your right to embrace Allah and choose death because a Red Cross on a box offends you. Hopeful elks you'll understand why the rest of the world looks at you and marvels at the choices you make and the attitude you display to those who are showing you kindness. Bottom line, if you don't want our help, there's the door ---->
Sorry this is a load of crap. The Red Cross from years past have used different symbols in Muslim countries.
If you are hungry and thirsty you will take the food and water whether halal or not. What the Red Cross should be doing is renting a big plane. Flying it over Syria at 100 ft and pushing the "refugees" back out. Then rinse an repeat with a new load of "refugees"
I wonder, sir, where your ancestors hail from, and wether they would enjoy wing unceremoniously dropped from a 100ft into a dangerous environment?
Sorry Moose, but I guess you really didn't review the thread and didn't look at that video in an unbiased way. This is in no way a problem of a red cross on a box or not, you are being fooled into that by a misleading title and OP. If you still don't see that, start reviewing again. Noone said they were being fed pork, I used it as an analogy to make people understand what's the issue. Cite me your own source where it's being said that the food was being refused because of the red crosses on the boxes. This video is a great showcase how a chaotic situation leads to one or two idiots (yelling that the food isn't good for consumption without even checking) refusing food to a whole refugee camp, who might not even all be muslims. Refusing food is also pretty easy when you know you'll get served something else anyway... Am I happy to see my country overrun by refugees seeking shelter or just a better life? Not really, and it's scary like hell to see my own wealth threatened... Would I send someone back into a war zone to secure my actual wealth? Hmm...
Keep up the negativety,how long will you keep hating Muslims and Arabs? Such shame for wise adults to behave this way towards a certain group No wonder wars and hatred are still on,because people can't treat each other as a people with emotions and pride!
Plus this is a game,why not keep all issues outside it? This type of discussions will just cause disagreement between kawers at last.
Happy for the world to contain Muslims as long as they stay in their own country, stop killing Christians and generally stop trying to take over the world. Otherwise they ought to be thrown back from whence they came. We DO NOT want them in Europe.
the images are only one way of presenting the world. And each has its own representation.The handling is easy, fast. The judgment also. Nobody chooses to leave his roots willingly and in such conditions. And no one could say how he will react if he were to be in such a situation.Avoid shortcuts, avoid amalgams