Arab refugees refuse aid. Discuss!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ThreeSheeps, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. This kaw. Please don't talk about other games in our threads k. This is not a commercial k
  2. I'll make a deal with you. I will tell you my best strategies for Risk, and you stop pretending you completely brain-dead. There has to be something with sense somewhere behind that screen. Deal?
  3. Sorry brah you the screen dead one I don't see any babies walking on water throwing endless buckets of shrimp and wine out to the people.
  4. I don't understand the reference. And what does "screen dead" mean?
  5. When your dumb your dumb Good luck
  6. Thanks. By the way, that's more false grammar. /endtroll
  7. Still wrong
  8. Also, there's this thing called "punctuation". Very useful.
  9. It's iPhone

  10. . It's very useful.*

    I agree 
  11. Syntax? That sentence is incomplete.
  12. True true :lol: Can't believe this guy wasn't seen my signature /endtroll
  13. This just physically has no words!
  14. I bad typer lets go 
  15. Evidently. I see you finally found out I was trolling -_-
  16. Noodle still in 40 rank. And wants to build higher value So he copy and past every thing. Bleats amuse him k
  17. I couldn't read this without having to lie down for a moment.
  18. I love troll too