Arab refugees refuse aid. Discuss!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ThreeSheeps, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. Not just American I mean all .. We have been here far longer than 2,000 years. The earth is some like 4 billion years old. Stop being puppets and wake up.
  2. Okay. Let me explain.

    The earth was seeded by aliens. We all energy generators. Our emotions create positive and negative energies. We are encouraged by Jesus to LOVE. Love is the most positive energy we can produce. The positivity consumes your essence. Jesus the alien SOUL HARVESTER can only collect the positive charged souls. The negative souls are discarded.
  3. @hydra shock... Yeah you kinda right. It's a bit more than that though
  5. Yours thoughts create matter. We are all gods of this universe. The particles will align if you believe. There are billions of dimensions that we can live in. It is infinite. It's all in what you want !and who you choose to live with
  6. What in the name of anything sane happened on the last 10 posts on this thread?!

    Hydra, don't be an ass. America is not the only country that counts so your statistics are only relavent for a conversation about America. Which this is not. This is a conversation about a WORLDWIDE problem (yes, worldwide, not American only)

    @moose, that video is very interesting, I've seen something similar before not not for a long time. Whilst I have always said I didn't believe in god, I should probably rephrase that to I don't believe that there is a god like any of the abrahamic religions.
  7. ^ I'll try not to be a butt tomorrow. Good night Rio. I didn't want to waste a speaker. I dunno maybe ill try Sunday. It is the holy day.

    Good night KaW.
  8. Did someone say earlier that Islam is as old as Judaism and Christianity? That seems implausible to me.

    Islam - 7th century ( pagans before that)
    Christianity - 1st century (Jews before that)
    Judaism - way before that (Egyptian slaves and all that)

    I don't know what special math is being used but sure they are all as old as each other.
  9. I believe people are referring to them all being abrahamic.
  10. All religion is stupid . If you feel like you have to believe in an invisible person watching you to make you do what is right then your a Moron !
  11. Pleiades..

    Next time you're taking a wizz..

    ... Remember that Saltyfeet is watching you..
  12. Religious wars has killed more people than it has helped. If you disagree jump of a cliff and your God will save you k if YA right. haha Do us all a favour.
  13. Not really any need for this tbh. I don't believe in them either, but it doesn't give you the right to stomp all over people's beliefs.
  14. Sure it does. Why not ?
  15. If someone believes in something then why can't someone else disagree with it ? We both believe strongly the same way. You can't say right.
  16. Disagree? Fine. Encouraging death? Not ok. Fine line you're walking with your troll broski, lol
  17. People who believe in gods live forever with 70 Virgins and get reincarnated and become king n queens n stuff. Nobody said they died brah !!
  18. You're not disagreeing, you're simply calling then stupid, not showing any evidence to back what you think up and jumpin on it for no reason.

    Discuss it? Sure. Put them down for it? That's not nice.

    No it doesn't give you the right to stomp on their beliefs. You can try to persuade them though
  19. Ok. Let's discuss it ... What's your proof ? I call it stupid cause it is an age old war propaganda machine used for 1,ooo of years to control people. What is your proof that it's any different ?