Arab refugees refuse aid. Discuss!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ThreeSheeps, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. My history teacher said the other day it went back to Abraham giving his inheritance to the father of the Jews instead of the father of the Arabs or something like that and the two groups not getting along after that.
  2. Your teacher is a pretty good troll.
  3. But no better than us.
  4. Actually that's the story of Isaac and Ishmeal and it's a part of Hebrew history's.
  5. Abraham gave his inheritance to Abraham and Abraham got all mad about it so Abraham wanted to kill Abraham but he forgave Abraham and gave him all his inheritance so Abraham ended up having all the oeople and wealth anyways.

    My point is, it's freaking mythology.
  6. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. Point is, Arabs believe it, and they don't like the alleged descendants because of it.
  7. "But they also don't support our way of life, not one bit"

    .... Do you think 100% percent of people are Christian? Hell no they are not not supporting our way of life they are being dumb for petty and wrong religious reasons, not because they are against the rest of the worlds way of life, talk about propaganda ****.
  8. I think if those rag heads dont like it they can go find some with isis. Nuff said
  9. If you believe in a floating God in the sky that watches over you.... Then I think your too dumb to be here anymore. Your time has past. Welcome to the present. Take your old school believes and die already. K. We don't have time for this nonsense anymore. ️
  10. It doesn't matter what I believe. This is about what they believe and how it affects the past and present.
  11. That's where your wrong.. It only matters what you believe! Welcome to the matrix. Mind over matter my friend.  don't listen to the media it's all fake propaganda
  12.  I'm gonna swing from the chandelier  immmm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist 

  13. To tell a significant amount of the American people that they are dumb, too stupid to be here, and need to die off is just wrong.
  14. Protestants 46.5%
    Evangelical 25.4
    Mainline 14.7
    Historically Black 6.5

    Catholic 20.8
    Orthodox 0.5
    Mormon 1.6
    Jehovah witness 0.8
    Others 0.4

    Jewish 1.9
    Muslim 0.9
    Buddhist 0.7
    HINDU 0.7
    Other stuff 0.3
    Other other stuff 1.5

    Atheist 3.1
    Agnostic 4.0
    Nothing 15.8

    Don't know 0.6

    We can all see who is running the show here.

    Pew 2014
  15. Islam was established long before the current Qur'an 5 proceeded it, which the Caliph ordered burned. It was printed long after Muhammed death by a group of scribes who had memorized various parts apparently members of Muhammed's family. The Faith is as old as the other Abraham paths which I count as 4 not 3. The Satanists are Abrahams too. The hard part to swallow is the Satanic Bible is the gentlest of the 4 Abraham books, go figure. Frankly I find most of the Qur'an a lovely book and guide, then it slips into hateful bigotry. That said it no worse than the Bible. It's how naive the parishioner is to belief something relevant 2,000 years ago has any meaning today. The Abrahams have never put down their books long enough to update them with current knowledge. There are few books of authority in science medicine politics which have not been updated which are relevant. Naive as these Abrahams may be if their faith makes them better ppl I see no reason to dissuade them.
  16. *grabs popcorn for this thread as well*
  17. If you're intellectually curious and have roughly 17 min, please take the time to review this link, as it actually puts forward an interesting perspective concerning God and the universe.

    Warning: this presentation treats the viewer like an adult. It's fast moving densely packed, and contains complex concepts.

    Additional note: this video does not promote one God over another, but simply raises the possibility that a God does indeed exist.
  18. Your figures are way off and must be your county Abrahams make up 57% of the world. 35 Christian 22 Muslim. Hebrews do not make up 1% there is only there is only 14 million Jews. The Pagans Celts Norse Goth Druid Pict number 120Million which is a tiny group.
    If it's an American stat again maybe someday you'll come to grips 319 ppl don't represent the demographics of 7 billion.
  19. 14 million Jews means there's like 5% of them in Germany
  20. ^ America runs the world. It is the only stats that counts.