Good point as to why Muslims would seek sanctuary sinful ole Europe. For gods sake stay out of Florence or drape the David(s) Bus stop posters TV heck Bill Boards nude beaches ooo look at the sea shell. As an area second to India (big pop) they represent the biggest Downloaders of "don't show the kids" videos. (you sick puppies) Well according to google. So that will be good for American and German production houses. Being the passive naive bunch we are we can pretend to turn a blind eye on that mightier than thou contradiction or perception of being of purer soul and mind. Heck makes em happy, np. There is a highway to hell but only a stair case to heaven which could be construed as a prediction of traffic. PS did you ever hear 2 Cellos play Highway to Hell with Steve Vai? \m/('')\m/ Al-Tabari's (838-923 AD) Tafsir, or Quranic exegeses, is essentially a standard reference in the entire Muslim world. Regarding 3:28, he wrote: "If you [Muslims] are under their [infidels'] authority, fearing for yourselves, behave loyally to them, with your tongue, while harbouring inner animosity for them... Allah has forbidden believers from being friendly or on intimate terms with the infidels in place of believers – except when infidels are above them [in authority]. In such a scenario, let them act friendly towards them." Basically the Qur'an directs to deceive when a minority or Dominate when they are the majority. Religion governs society which must have good points during the dawn of man. Pull my hair. I like to think we are so darn lovable infectious in Canada everyone caves eventually. I've been called some pretty nasty things over the years. One called be a devil worshiper and I just told her " hey you Abrahams invented that dude you can whale on his shillelagh all night long cause I'm completely out of #* #s. She ended up only being allowed 6 pounds of butter per 14 ppl in her family and I finally got to buy the 3 litres of milk. We sell our milk in bags how cool is that. No melamine in it either. Canada is apparently getting 13,000. I hope the Muslim community greets them with open arms and food they will eat. I suspect they will. I'm in on the butter-chicken! All you Abrahams go read the good bits of your old books over and over again. Forget all the nasty stuff cause you meet the same people coming or going. Worlds getting smaller , shut up
Hmmm Dion.. Let me get my devil worshipper checklist out.. Hangs out in Hazelton Lanes ✅ Drives a couple of Bimmers✅ Has a sailboat✅ Hangs out at the Yacht Club✅ Has Chalet✅ Has a place on the island✅ Has 300,000 Gold Bars✅ Devil Worshipper!!!!!
And on top of this nearly all the 'refugees' are men, most of the woman and children are missing and now in some parts even Isis flags have been seen flown by the 'refugees'
Prolly should call Donald trump and get some Mexicans to build wall. Close Em off let the big guy sort them out
I'm pretty sure the crucifix is a very Christian symbol.... That whole Christ on a cross thing kinda key to the origins of Christianity. A cross is an older symbol but that's not a crucifix
Christianity didn't really exist before Jesus was crucified. It became the symbol BECAUSE Jesus was crucified upon it.
Beware American's as you give OUR freedoms away little by little to Muslims. This can't be good. Can Muslims be Good Americans? Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and a loyal citizen? Consider this: Theologically, no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia. Scripturally, no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Qur’an. Geographically, no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer 5 times a day. Socially, no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews. Politically, no. Because he must submit to the mullah (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan. Domestically, no, because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Qur’an 4:34). Can you see a court case brewing here? Religiously, no. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam. (Qur’an, 2:256) Intellectually, no, because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt. Philosophically, no, because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur’an do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Spiritually, no, because when we declare “one nation under God,” the Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as our heavenly father, nor is he ever called Love in the Qur’an’s 99 excellent names. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic. Therefore after much study and deliberation perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both good Muslims and good Americans. Call it what you wish…it’s still the truth. If you find yourself intellectually in agreement with the above, perhaps you will share this with your friends. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country. Pass it on. The war is bigger than we know. To be "All-American”… One must support the Constitution and the principles of our Founding Fathers. There is no room for Sharia Law or supporters of that backwards Islamic system of laws. Please share. I did.
FYI, there is evidence of Alexander the Great using crucifixtion through his empire, that's roughly 600 years before Christ died. Also there is evidence Jesus was crucified on a single piece of wood, not a cross like they would like you to believe. So yeah.. It is a symbol of Christianity now, but when you kiss your cross pendant or whatever it is you do, remember the cross should also be seen as a symbol of subjugation an torture, slow painful death.
Rio the cross and the crucifix are different symbols. The crucifix is the body of Jesus (corpus christi) mounted to a cross. No body of Jesus not a crucifix, just a cross which is a more common symbol. It's a important distinction
I don't agree, but, even if for this post, I concede the point to you, if I'm starving, and food comes to me in a box with a picture of a hooked cross, the letters K.K.K. on it, or the symbol of the democrat party, I'll take the food!