Aqua Vitae. 5 Reasons you shouldnt seal there

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Chris, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. OK so like true story....i met this guy lets call him idk "forum Troll" for fun. he tells me to scam HTE' clans for money and item phases...well so i'm lilke you dude idk I'm like super noobish not sure i could do such a thing and pull it off....well so i think well maybe "forum troll" is onto something i think heck maybe ill test this out ok the stage is set

    so now I'm there in this the clan and I'm laying in wait for the right time as he said to poach kinda nervous because we'll I'm a noob ....

    so it gets to 5% left I'm like ok 1 item dropped , 3% 1 item dropped and I'm like wow this feels kinda liberating kinda fun crazy, sexy, cool.....1% I'm like spam this mfer home pay dirt.


    eb ends so and so was killed by player11041072 or whatever my name is. this guy is like wtf this guy like hit seals it was closed items....another guy is like well he only hit like 1-2 at the end i checked.

    other guys like well he shouldn't have done them at all its my seal. he should be kicked ....

    admin wall me be like hey man your turn to seal....

    immediately click leave clan....TF do i look like some kind of fool who is going to waste his ROTWB seals to be dropped right after i open an eb?....

    i mean i may be a noob but ffs man when the jig is up the jig is up and you move on.

    pretty much going to be inactive for like idk a month or so maybe ill play again maybe not KAW is kinda you know lamesville.

    but score 1 for the little guy.
  2. I wasn't aware that Honky was a racist term, I thought only white people were racist? Sic *
  3. Lol...nbk...U saying u only hit once....U killed the last 10% of the damn item phase...U deserved to get strip farmed...sit down somewhere before you get that target on it back
  4. As for my clan I would've waited til u were almost done with second item phase before u were kicked just for good measure...really dude....racist? On kaw? Smh
  5. Dear Op.
    Lets be having ya.1 v 1 no cf.resetting or inactive is the only outcome.
  6. :lol: i deserved? Sure ill give you that but good lick on trying to get your clan of 10 year olds to stag focused long enough to plan out timezones and who hires what. And not give me free ally hires
  7. Auto win for hoarshead
  8. Woo LOTR 
  9. It's in the small print
  10. Zin is one of the best kaw players ever so **** u
  11. Yea.. The "easy" way out of looking like a complete dumb ****
  12. Just farm them rather than cry on forums about it

  13. [​IMG]
  14. Hoarshed,, u can't do nothing with my sdt. That's why you fb fail
  15. Chris will totally fail sb yo azz 
  16. The anon alt is not doing so well "lvling me to reset" but u know how that is Ron lol
  17. Chris you noob why hide your allies? I already know what they are.also keep spending on mith noob.i'll still be farming your ass 6 months down the line.
    If I could be bother I'd post ss of all them steals.
    Like I said leave your hte clan come 1v1 me.
  18. Hoars is not my alt.trash talk me again I'll rip you apart.
  19. You are a Pure Spy WIMP. Get a build that has something that says "I have cajones" and then maybe your dialogue will appear worth something slightly more then a turd floating down a pipe.