Apple VS FBI

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moose2, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. @pipe - thank you

    Dude, all eyes are on Apple right now. People have been trying to find a back door into iOS encryption since it was implemented years ago. If one had been discovered, it would have made headlines. Remember what happened with iCloud? Where are the headlines about iOS encryption being broken?
  2. So much talks about what at the end of the day? A court order exist already... Cheese in wondering what will happen to you if you disobey to a court order. Tim Cook should go to jail. And that jail should be in Guantanamo with the guys that apparently he loves more than USA national security.
  3. Good for you. Unless you know the 'back door' why bring it up and argue with such fervour?
    Also if it isn't visible it is not necessarily a matter of perception. Perhaps it simply does not exist.
  4. I was simply pointing out his flawed logic

    *Insert Spoc meme here*
  5. I know all about that but they just hacked it, a back door was not necessarily used. Also just because a back door in IOS hasn't been found it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist
  6. That's pretty extreme, bud. I'm sad you feel that way.

    In my country, we have rights. I'm not sure how your country works. I'm sure you have a lot less authority to demand protection from the government than we have here, based on your response.

    But that's part of what makes America so great. We are allowed and encouraged to challenge and question authority. I believe it's why the vast majority of innovation has come from America - because we nurture free thought so much better than most other countries.
  7. Technically your logic is equally flawed. You believe that if something is not visible it must exist.
    Saying that it doesn't exist (supported by an array of evidence) seems much more logical to me.
  8. I'm not saying that it doesn't exist - you are saying that it does exist, and I'm asking you for proof. That's the basic tennant of argumentation - support your position with verifiable facts.

    Now, let's go - chop chop! Go find those articles!
  9. I don't even know where to begin in ripping that apart.
  10. I was simply pointing out his flawed logic

    *Insert Spoc meme here*[/quote]
    Technically your logic is equally flawed. You believe that if something is not visible it must exist.
    Saying that it doesn't exist (supported by an array of evidence) seems much more logical to me.[/quote]

    That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying that just because it may not exist, the possibility that it does exist is not eliminated
  11. The quote thing kinda messed up for my previous post. I would say quote function, because that's what it is, but you would just think I'm trying to sound 'smart'
  12. Cheese a court order exist. Let's say I'm an american citizen. One of my buddies is sent to jail because he's a drug dealer. I can help him to excape from jail because "I'm encouraged to challenge the authority"?
  13. Vlad - no, bud. This is different. Do you understand what the court order is asking Apple to do?
  14. A court order is a court order. Apple must obey to it. Justice is there to protect you aswell.
  15. I think you're misunderstanding the court order. You should go back and read into it if you're unsure.
  16. The government does not care about you're affair, the DEA will not knock on your door for texting your drug dealer. No body is looking at your nude pictures, furthermore NOBODY gives a flying fladoodle about your personal life. The NSA is strictly looking for threats to the sovereignty of this GREAT nation. The phone they want access to, they already know is in direct connection of mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters slaying. Are you going to sit there and say you don't want justice for those that died, you want their deaths to be in vein? This investigation could lead to a whole lot more then just a simple arrest. They found bin laden through a guy using a phone talking to a messenger. Think about the Soldiers, do you want us to die because we didn't have vital Intel? Do you want a car bomb to kill a thousand people. Do you want to raise your children in fear of the cowards that call themselves extremist, let all this be food for thought, think about how many lives that phone may save.
  17. I think that's the problem. Why do we always have to live in a state of fear?

    Why can't we address the root cause of these issues? Why aren't we asking the more important questions, like, why did they do this? How do we make sure no one else find the same motivation?

    Why do you think the terror networks are growing, despite all our efforts to stop it?

    Will putting more people in jail and spying on more people and bombing villages actually lead to fewer terror attacks? Does the historical evidence support such a conclusion?

    I think the government and the media have got everyone wound up. Fear is an instrument used to exert control and strip people of Liberty.

    Ask questions. Think critically. Identify the root cause. That is how we stop this threat, not with spying and more bombs. We've tried that already for the past 40 years. If it works, there wouldn't be any terrorists left in the world today. But the more we fight them, the more we bomb their kids and wives and families, the more terrorists we create.

    What would you do if someone bombed your family's house and killed them because they thought a terrorist lived there?
  18. That was grade-a fear mongering.
    Really, good stuff.
  19. I am from a long line of a military family. All those that serve and their family members know that any day their loved one and their families maybe called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice. Every soldier and their family know this and live in that reality daily.

    I do not want to raise my children in a police state where they have more to fear from
    Their government than they do external threats.

    As for your food for thought, similar logic has been used throughout history to justify some of the worse human rights atrocities.

    Example during the 1920s and 30s in Germany as people starved or froze to death due to the treaty of versailles, the thought was in the German people's minds of what if someone else had done the Negotiating? Would their son, daughter, brother,sister, friends have died due to the burden of the treaty? The horrors of the holocaust took root long before Hitler ever started speaking in Munich taverns.

  20. Numbnuts just because a law is a law doesn't mean it's right ....Jim Crow was the law here in the USA for many decades you gonna say just because it was law that everyone should lay it down like you would and obey? ...weak ass coward.

    ...With your line of reasoning we'ld still belong to England