Apple VS FBI

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moose2, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Lol, the point I'm trying to make is that iPhones are susceptible to hacks and stating that they are the hardest phones to break into is possibly false.
  2. I feel like eit just another media attempt to cover up something bigger! Its called Jail breaking a device you can get past it with ease! I also understand apples point of view not wanting to enclose info for privacy because its our right as Americans! Plus its the US Government when have they not over stepped there boundaries? There should at least be exceptions to those laws considering the act of terrorism....

    But whatever its just a mouses opinion
  3. The security is part of the os. Yes if the messages were stored on the sim maybe.
  4. Android fingerprint scanners ftw.
  5. iCloud got hacked not individual phones.

    ...instead of reading/hearing what you WANT to hear why don't you take the poster for his own thoughts/words? (you have a really bad habit of doing that)

    It's not all about you Kasama ???
  6. I never knew our silly little 4 digit codes were so intense the FBI couldn't even get through
  7. For once Terra has said something worth listening too
  8. lol it's 6 digits now ?
  9. It concerns them as if they blunder more than is it 10x? That the os kills the info stored on it. If it was the i6 the fbi would be screwed by the fingerprint scanner.

    Zdnet has a great article on this issue. Google n a few others are trying to back apple against fed
  10. Actually that would make it easier to hack. I assume FBI do have the fingerprint of the owner of the phone.
  11. iCloud houses information from individual phones.

    What information?

    source:Link to official apple site

    I don't know about you but that stuff the icloud backs up is pretty important.
  12. lol you just have to twist it around to make it look like you weren't wrong huh? You really are pathetic 
  13. From what I understand, Apple did help the FBI, providing all info available without building a backdoor into the phone.

    The NSA intercepts all signals on every network coming from that phone, and as previously mentioned in the thread, Apple and the rest of silicon valley "sells" your personal info.

    Therefore, they should have access to almost all data on the phone. There may be some photos, or perhaps notes? What else could there be?
  14. Heres the article detailing about 5c not having touchid n thus less secure.

    While i am sure they do have the fingerprint n if hollywood is to be believed an easy task to break fingerprint scanners.

    But i would guess like Die Hard 2 demonstrating a zippo igniting air plane fuel not accurate.

    Jet fuel needs considerable amount of heat that a zippo n cigarette just cannot produce

    Article link below ... TRE17cfd61
  15. @Kasam you are right. iCloud do store (if chose so) important informations as call history, messages, photos. And FBI do accessed already his iCloud backup. But last backup was one month prior the attacks and they want more recent informations. So...FBI already accessed iCloud informations. This will rise two questions:

    1. Do FBI "hacked" iCloud and that means that iCloud is not actually so secure and other hackers might hack it again?


    2. Apple handled the iCloud data to FBI and all this "our users security is more important than national security" it's just hypocrisy at his finest.

    3. Maybe just PR? Tho I doubt FBI would be part of a shady marketing campaign.
  16. This is also a commentary on the value of the tens of billions spent each year spying on Americans.

    Did not help prevent the shooting, and is not helping with the investigation.
  17. Dear moose...

    FBI all the way. Apples suck anyways let them get hacked. Androids are way more advanced than any Apple device ever.

    That's all. Stag out.
  18. android is clearly not a head in terms of security ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. ^I bet you can't name a major incident where android devices and their security were compromised.
  20. Iphones are hacked much less then other smart phones