Does Android have force touch? Yes. Huwaei Mate S. Launched before iPhone 6S. Yes iPhone changed industry. Yes, for years Apple pushed other OEMs to step up their game. But now those OEMs are ahead of Apple and Apple are the ones who need to step up their game. For last 2-3 years was saved only by marketing campaign and their "taliban" fanboys.
ANDROID SUCKS ...PERIOD!!! Yeah and I posted market data like you Fandroids kept begging for and everyone ignored it except Ruggy who was dismissive of it denying the stark raving truth, I give you numbers to back what I say and all you do is flap your gums on forums iPhone
You have provided NO proof that Android sucks. You're harping on and on and on about but not proving why. Your own opinion does not prove it sucks. Your two articles proved nothing also. Read them properly and you'll see that.
I'll even quote it again for you. It shows a slight correlation between lower income earners purchasing android. Why does that mean it sucks? Oh right, it doesn't. It only provides a few examples on a slight correlation between the two variables. CORRELATION DOES NOT PROVE CAUSATION. Android has a wide range of phones unlike Apple. I wasn't being dismissive. You've only interpreted it that way because I don't agree with you. Not everyone has the means to buy a top of the range phone; be that either Android or Apple. This is no way equates to Android sucking or being only for 'poor people'. Some people only need a phone to call and message. Why fork out the money for an iPhone with features you don't need? Apple does not have an inexpensive phone. It does not have the basic option. Android does. Oh and we're still waiting for your satellite images btw.
I'm talking from personnel experience here. They all suck. Anything that uses Android sucks. I don't care if they're $5,000 phones if it has Android it sucks. END OF DISCUSSION iPhone
As always on this thread your logic is top notch. Equates to a child, really. 'I don't like it so it sucks' :lol: Any time someone says something that doesn't suit you or asks you to prove what you're saying, you cry and ignore it completely. Are we going to get those satellite images? It's fine you dislike it from personal experience. They've been great in my experience. I can accept your opinion but you can't accept mine or others. You can get your point across without carrying on like a child.
The icrap device wasnt the 1st touch screen... In fact I think the 1st 1 was an ibm simon back in 1992 I do believe... want the source... google it
Both are good in their ways! Choosing one would be unfair for the other Android phones are honestly made for rough use which iPhones can't handle!
Maybe if You keep calling him a child he will turn into one? Is that all you people can come up with? I think you're all super butt hurt for 2 reasons, you can't afford an iPhone, and you even trolled by a master manipulator /Tophat
I can afford an iPhone. And I can appreciate that they're good phones. But I don't have to go around calling people morons while just having a discussion about something.
This debate will never be over. We will all be old men and women typing on an android phone because Google will have taken over. I love apple, but I will not deny it is sliding down the tubes. Unless another Steve jobs comes buy, we're screwed
I'm with you with this. After Steve Jobs death Apple didn't came with anything revolutionary. People do buy them due their logo. But that's about it. I remember a prank made right before the launch of iWatch. Someone applied the Apple logo on a $10 Casio ugly digital watch. Most of those questioned was like "of course i'm going to buy it! It's Apple!". Todd which one of the interviewed ones are you? All of them sound exactly like you
Yeah, i think android stopped using ios 9 a long time ago. Oh, but there is a difference in how android and apple support their devices. Apple, the company, is in complete control of such things for their products. Nothing wrong with that. It helps them to continue to provide one of the best functioning devices you can buy. Android, you can basically still run any version you want. You can still find independent people who can, or still do, write software for older devices and android versions. Me personally, i like android. Me and you can have the same phone, but they can also be completely different. Yes, android does sacrifice some when it comes to reliability and smoothness for the ability to allow manufactures and individuals to modify their os to their preferences, thats the trade off. That said, manufacturers of android devices are only getting better and better at applying the os to their devices as time goes on, and there are so many companies completing with eachother in the droid market that are continually pushing and creating new software that its almost fun shopping and buying a new phone.
Older AT and T customers are "grandfathered in" to the old contract of every 2 yrs, you resign a new 2 yr contract, and get the newest iPhone out for no charge. Ya hear me? NO CHARGE. FREE. So hah, it is free you numnut. No one gets free phone service. We are talking about devices here
So does my HTC desire HD But like your iPhone 4 it's losing out on a lot due to age n support cycle. Now there are still cheap androids using Gingerbread. But you know as well as I do iPhone 4 is eof and soon like the iPhone 3 support will end
Agreed, my phone is the same or was more than an iPhone. I just like having more options n control over my stuff. +1 for Linux
Agreed. Benefit to Apple is there is no affordable phone for the masses and thus experience is more consistent as only Apple makes iPhones and Apple doesn't market phones for the masses; just those like me that can afford expensive gadgets. I prefer Android for the choices it offers in high end devices. Something Apple doesn't even try to compete with at that scale.