the only way to prove anything would be to have 2 evenly matched clans; 1 ANDROID, 1 APPLE war, but you Android clowns are too scared. ...too scared to face the truth that my iPhone is superior to any trash Android ripoff phone you clowns own. And to scared because you know ima whoop the dog snot out of you in a system war with my mighty army of iPhones iPhone
"ALL" Android phones are bottom of the barrel ..they were initially designed and made specifically to market towards poor people with little or no I.T. knowledge (I can provide more proof) all the specs and other blah blah blah these Android cheerleaders is all crap ...pure BS. Nothing but over rationalization and pandering to their weak egos
Again, Todd. You are ignoring everything that doesn't coincide with your beliefs. Stop name calling and acting like a child.
Still I see demonstrating your ignorance! The thread is not what Kaw platform is better. Its what is better Apple or Android. Please get a clue. But on your example it would depend on the players n the quality of their connection. And would end up in mostly a tie or narrow win (of which the platform would not be the deciding factor) Grow up plz kid
Do you have any clue how idiotic you sound right now? Talk about comparing apples to oranges... There is no way that comparing your kawapp to my kaw app or your play to my play has any relevance in a discussion of who has a better phone.
Again your lack of intelligence shows. Android varies from bad to what's an iPhone. My old HTC Desire was better than the iPhone equivalent for specs n options at release (Apple still for example didn't want to add camera flash) My Lg G2 was at the top ten smart phones at the time of release higher in list than iPhone (bigger screen size n resolution and more) The Lg G2 still beats iPhone 6 in a lot of specifications (quad-core vs dual)
Lag would kill TEAM ANDROID, I and everyone else knows it. Probably get double the hits in on Apple as opposed to using Android. Androids game lag is legendary and not just among KAWers's a general consensus among mobile gamers
Again, still ignoring everything being said. Straight back to relying on how KaW android isn't the best. Which really wasn't the point of this thread. And references to your war. Which again, proves nothing except your inability to see beyond your own thoughts. Btw, I have android and I don't have any lag. I've never had lag on Android. On any app. Except in a bad reception area but that happens to all phones. I have on Apple products though. But that's just my experience. I don't generalise to all iPhone and Android users based on my experience as you do
What you are calling "lag" are actually windows animations/transitions which can be deactivated very easy.
Are you really this incompetent? Lag would kill Android. Your either a mindless troll. Cause I can wipe bars very fast lag does not bother my G2 only my carrier's signal can lag my device which would also lag an iPhone. As for your comment about android being made for poor ppl that is true of those android devices that target that market. My friend who had one of the first android devices (u know the one with the trackball) was not for poor ppl and was on par with the crappy iPhone 1 or 2 that was out at the time. Again grow up n learn how to debate real facts & not pure fantasy! No wonder so many have farmed you!
I'm the only one who has supplied market data supporting my claims ...NONE OF YOU have supplied ANY RL data supporting what you say NONE OF YOU all any if you have done is post your phones specs're all delusional lol, blinded by your pathetic sense of self worth and lack of self esteem because you can't come to terms with the fact that.... ...Your phone sucks Sent from my Superior iPhone
I wouldn't hold your breath for any facts, guys :lol: On another note, I'm loving my Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge :grin:
You just keep proving my point, don't you? :lol: You haven't given us any proof. You provided two articles that don't actually prove anything. Plenty of responses have actually compared specs which is actually relevant. Instead you resort back to personal insults. You keep claiming to have proof. Show us then. Until then your crying doesn't prove anything. No matter how important you think you are.
What happens if you run out of storage on your iphone? Even the top spec phone doesn't allow you to save or have an external micro sd card or storage. Such a big hassle for a simple issue as storage. Want to copy data from ur phone to a pc? Big hassle with iphone. So much for being superior lol
My original claim is that Android is for poor people lol how does posting your phones specs prove or disprove this? The data I posted is RL data from credible sources that can be confirmed break down what economic classes buy which phones what more proof do u need? are a delusional moron who chooses to not see reality lolol I posted my data now where yours? And stop posting the specs of some one off Android phone that you "dream" about owning lol We all know you have a TracPhone iPhone
I read your article and it doesn't really prove anything. It shows how android has cheaper phones. There's some correlation in your article between earning less and owning an Android phone but again, correlation does not mean causation. You'll notice that Android offers phones for all incomes and affordabilities. Unlike iPhone, who has one phone. Not everyone wants to pay $1300 for a phone. It doesn't make them poor. I haven't made any claims one way or the other. You're badgering on that Android sucks. Prove it. Because so far, you haven't. Why is it so difficult for you to have a conversation without trying to insult everyone? This isn't the school yard. Grow up.
Again I've been trying to prove it but you Android owners are too cowardly to war ...lag will destroy you lol Wargame and all you cowards want do is flap your gums and compare specs iPhone