Apple vs Android

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aaron2, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. I'll leave this here, again. Oh forgot to add, my phone is also faster than your PC, your laptop, and the facts are real unlike yours.
  2. Todd, you're a moron. This thread isn't just for kaw app and you still posted it in some pitiful attempt. Android WAS worse than iOS but has caught up. The freedom to control your OS is what makes it better, you can use apps to control every feature of it while iOS is limited in this direction.

    We gotta admit one thing: apple propaganda is much bigger, that's correct. But does it make it better? If you are blind, then yes. But if you want to control your device the way you want to then android is the way to go
  3. Can we get a thread ban on Todd before we get thread locked plz and ty.

    Vote below to ban Todd.
  4. What about a device u can hand to a moron and expect to come back in working condition? 
  5. As per Forum rules only OP can ask me to leave

    Sent from my iPhone 
  6. All the answers to life's greatest questions are found in this thread..

  7. I have yet to see one exist. Lol. Sadly.
    Munk likes this.
  8. #TeamAndroidFTW
  9. I replied like you've asked. Your market data showed...well, next to nothing.

    Now you know all us Android users SO well and have correctly guessed our life work is being a cheerleader. You'll have to excuse the fact that I didn't create a song and dance about correlation does not imply causation :lol: Also notice how many of us can respond without crying and yelling at the top of our lungs that iPhone sucks?
  10. lol that's because iPhone don't suck and you know it....

    ....none of you are trying to convince me. You're trying to convince yourselves and each other. You're all classic Freudian case studies 

    Sent from my superior iPhone 
  11. I'd say op is somewhat leans towards Apple.

    Benefit to Apple is that they use a very limited hardware set as IPhone is made by Apple, where as Android is made by all who want to.

    Because of this; you get very little variance to design of UI or visual shell style.

    Innovation? Not really. Apple with the iPhone took a long time to adopt having a camera then even longer to ad the flash.

    Hardware specs are often dated (processor for example) n unlike first gen iPhones no internal expansion.


    Broad range of hardware/manufacturers which gives a variety of style and quality.

    This is both a pro and a con.
    -User xp can very from horrible to "omg this is greatest!"

    -All depends on whether it is a sub par entry phone or closer to a flagship

    On the Android flagships you will find phones that can wipe the floor of IPhone 6+ (Atm Apple's flagship)

    Apple pay is not a new idea; just Apples integration of NFC

    In the End it's all a matter of preferred operator's experience. I myself prefer Android over Apple's bland boring interface(even Palm pilot was better lol)
  12. Todd, every post in this thread which supports android is directed towards your ignorance (or trolling). I'm not sure if we're the ones who need to prove themselves now.
  13. Tiger

    I hope your kidding as I am sure you know an arm processor cannot be compared by speed n cores to pc cpus (which have stronger processing instruction sets)

    But yes Todd is a complete moron. Obvious it's true.

    I would guess he has only used bottom of the barrel Android phones
  14. No man, you androids need to prove yourselves, I mean clearly you feel the need to prove you have the superior hardware.. Kind of like when little guys drive a big gigantic truck I might add.. Over compensation much?


    For those that are emoji blind
  15. Ok you funboys.... please tell me one single feature that exist on iOS and is not available on Android.
  16. You are the one who is consistently ignoring everything everyone says. People have compared specs and capabilities. But you choose to carry on like a child and insist that Android sucks because you say so. It's impossible to have a conversation with someone who can't see beyond their own opinions. You have repeated and repeated that Android sucks. That is your argument for everything. You seem to think that because that's what YOU think then that is the way it is. Anything that doesn't coincide with your beliefs is irrelevant. Honestly it's like a child arguing. Someone asks why and your response is 'Because I said so'. We are stuck here until you can see beyond your own thoughtss and opinions. You feed your own perceived superiority by calling everyone else who doesn't believe in what you believe a fool. You quickly go back to 'Oh you've provided actual information? It doesn't matter because I know Android sucks just because.'

    I think both iPhone and Androids are good phones. Both have their negatives and their positives. We all have our preferences. The difference is that some people can accept differences in preferences while others refuse to consider anything that does not fall in line with their own thoughts.

    We can have an adult conversation or we can carry on like a child. I'm happy to read any facts and stats you or anyone else provides. And I'll consider both without having to constantly bash one side or the other.

  17. I Don't the specs vs specs speak for themselves.

    I know n concede there is no incorrect answer as this is a choice of preference of experience.

    Otherwise if your going by specs Apple Dual core. Android dual to what 8 core?
  18. Easy! Apple store n Apple pay lol
  19. Really it comes down to preference. There isn't a right answer to this debate and there never will be.
  20. You got it! Its like the old Intel vs amd or Ati (amd) vs Nvidia

    At the end of the day does your choice give you the user experience you want for the price