Tbh the old razr flip phone is the best phone of all time and trumps every single new age smartphone by a landslide.
This question always comes up in forums. It's a mater of preference. I've had both, I prefer apple because I don't care for android operating system. Others don't like iOS and prefer android. Just as I prefer windows platform over iOS for PC.
If you want a device that just works, then apple. If you like a device that (with some exceptions of course) you can pretty much do anything you can dream up, then android. Comparing stock vs stock os isnt really possible anyways. Each Android manufacturer has there own unique way in how its applied. That said, if i got a great deal on an iphone, id take and be happy. But it would have to be one great deal though. I can turn $150 droids into really nice phones with no more than an hour or two of my time. And im talking nice. Android
Droid x 9 They say icrap has simplicity, when in all actuality droid outweighs Idevice about 6 to 1. Droid devices have the ability to stay in your pocket a lot longer than an Idevice. Simply because it keeps getting updates and hundreds of mod roms out there (once warranty expires). I personally have an old wm8650 processor tablet running jellybean. So customization for droid and older droid is endless. I device on the other hand may be able to go up 3 is versions. Then your device is locked out of any future updates or custom roms due hardware restrictions. So I favor droid for those reasons.
I could make it x0 but we will count your vote as only 1. Thanks guys for your votes adding now it is a close one!