App Store Rating

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Steelheart, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. The reviews are like this because the butthurt members than have been banned decided to hurt KaWs ratings, so they took it to the App Store.
  2. There is no few days of events stopping anymore to be able to judge this, only 1-2 days max, even it were 3-4 days between events it wouldn't be enough to get a decent estimate on how events effect the game. I've given it 1 star because kaw imo has changed and will continue to change for the worse & hope the negative ratings accumalate enough to impact change for the better, it's not due to an acct ban, or harrassment issues & i know many who feel the same.
  3. For me this message is more an annoyance. Fo dis, me shall rate 1 ztar.
  4. It's actually plenty of time. When there used to 3-4+ days between events, I'm sure devs could tell whether activity drops or not. I can tell in my own clan after 1 day that activity has dropped, so have others. Devs have less and less of a break between events for a reason. They know their profits and activity levels are the highest in this time. Of course they'll run as many events as they can. Events have been running long enough for the devs to know how it effects activity.
  5. If you took events away for a month or 2 i'd bet ppl would soon get used to playing like it was b4 events and play just as actively... we haven't been given that month or 2 to allow players to adjust play styles since events were implemented. I've co-ran clan's too and ppl tend to move around clans more since the addition of events (unless u were a hte clan), so while there seems to b more activity in sum clans i've found there's been less activity in other clans and the few days after an event ppl are still coming & going alot so it's not an accurate time period to judge activity overall.
  6. Neither of us know the statistics of KaW player activity so we can't say one way or another. Neither can you say it isn't an accurate time period to judge over all. How long have events been running now? The devs know exactly what activity is like with and without events and will plan accordingly, more so than we ever will. There will never be a one month break between events again (unless they find another to have high activity and profit) because that is simply how KaW is now.

    We can speculate about what happens in our own clans and what we observe but it isn't accurate enough. If this wasn't profiting the devs, they wouldn't be running B2B events. Obviously the activity during and after events is enough justification for devs to keep running them. They know the statistics.
  7. i think the profits during events are all the justification for the dev's require and they wouldn't know what activity would be like without events because like i said before they haven't given players the time to adjust their play style after an event...ppl waiting for another event are inclined to be lazier in the event down-times, ppl not waiting will pick their activity up to adjust.
  8. It's morons like this.
  9. Yes profits are justification enough also. But remember, the more people that are playing, the more that are likely to spend and ergo, the more profit. The profits are high enough that they don't want there to be such a large break between events. Though I wish there was.
  10. Why would you? Good gold bonus, cruxes, and equip. Why would you want to do have a large break.
  11. Events are continuously making the inflation worse and worse and worse. It's ruining clan loyalty because players either jump ship to HTE clans or clans that run faster ebs. It's no longer about working and planning together. It's only about individual participation. Not to mention events are all the same with a different picture taped over it. I don't mind events themselves, I just don't like the frequency of them and the fact that they're all the same. I'd much rather participate in events that are for special occasions e.g. Halloween or Easter etc. Running them so frequently stops them from being events. Tbh the only reason I participate is because I need the silver bars because the ridiculous inflation has caused the ally market prices to sky rocket.

    Just my opinion and observations though. I respect that there are players who enjoy the events and that's fine too :)
  12. I am assuming too much, my bad ruggy lol just really get on my nerves at times n i wish i could see bigger gaps to compare it better.
  13. Fair enough, South! I think if events were different, it could go a long way. At the beginning there used to be more variety e.g. The nomad event where we could bet and the faction ones. It makes it more interesting rather than repeating the same thing over and over. The last event with the factions was a little different which was good. Poor owls though! They never really had the chance to catch up I guess. Luck of the draw though I suppose.
  14. yeah i def agree ruggy, they've been some of the better events imo too, i was unlucky enough to be an owl but was still ok except for the low rewards for the pvp blitz. If they increased gaps in event, increased pvp rewards and made it less hte friendly i'd increase my rating for sure.
  15. Kaw rating in Apple Store is a current fight which is odd to even being taken place a few ppl pulled a stunt.. And Bc of it a few ppl got banned and now spamming bad reviews lol