Apology to -ShadowAssassin-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 7, 2013.

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  1. Mew , betcha my deuce was bigger
  2. Oh my bad, grammer nazi. I missed two capitalization errors.
  3. Stay on topic
  4. It is more or less your bads, seeing as you made two mistakes.
  5. Guys.

    If you become my slaves, I'll kill one of you then the other can laugh at you!

    Just remember, you have a good chance of not dieing! ;)
  6. Psst. We must refrain from using "nazi", as it makes our overlords angry.

    Use unicorn instead.
  7. @Angel
    Should I add another sub factory?
    It may risk the fashion of my layout, but it will work great against your weak build.
  8. I think the sub factory might add a little too mellow to the bright chartruse.

    Not fasionable, shadow. Not fasionable.
  9. I'm seeing a bit more level 1 war cathedral instead
  10. @Austin
    True, I must not be viewed as anti-religous.
  11. @Deadly
    This is why a hoe factory should be an option.

  12. That is always wise, but it must be only level 1 as to not be too religious.

    A level 1 war cath says:


    And at the same time

    I <3 Jesus
  13. Stay on topic, or get off my thread. This is about my 1 v 1 with Assassin, not builds.
  14. The fashion of my build has a direct correlation to effectivity. Asking us to stay on topic while we are is only making you look stupid.
  15. Do you like to eat cheese and crackers?

    Cause you sure as hell enjoy pooping on parties.
  16. Ok. You made 3 mistakes. 2 were grammatical errors. 1 was ******* with Shadow.
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