Apology to -ShadowAssassin-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 7, 2013.

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  1. Isn't zuke made up too?
  2. Your abundance of " :lol: "'s, OP, indicates nervousness, lack of substance and the traits of a noob.
  3. Am I the only one who somewhat remembers someone on the LB previously named Shadowassassin or something like that back in the years...
    He's like the top Hansel or something? o_O.
  4. Hmm... Really?
    My old account was shadowoffear, never came close to LB
  5. I remember something assassin being top few in LB along with GodSIN or something. One of the few hansels in LB until T4 came out. Bleh bad memoriez.
  6. Hmm... I remember "Assassin", but that's not it.
    Swabia would know.
  7. I know of a ninja-
  8. Mmhh. That's it! Ninja-Assassin!
  9. OP, get some more spy def pots, at least more than zero.
  10. How is zuke made up?
  11. Zuke is made up of 4 letters.
  12. I haven't hit you because, unlike you, i have a god damn life and can't be on KaW 24 ******* 7. Also, get on topic.

    All of you saying shadow will own me? Keep saying it, doesn't bother me at all. And stop being so god damn technical, any logical person would've thought i meant 7 types of pots. I've been suggested to lock this thread, guess what, it ain't happening! And the only reason Shadow has been pinning me is because, yet again, i have a life and KaW doesn't come first.
  13. You need a snickers bro?
  14. No, i hate snickers :p

    Now a Twix is a different story :cool:
  15. I just took a deuce.
  16. "i have a life"
    This life you speak of must not involve correct capitalization.
  17. I just ate pepperoni rolled cheese sticks. Get at me
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