Apology to -ShadowAssassin-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 7, 2013.

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  1. I'm getting confused between the two legends. Wait I'm here. That makes three :cool: mwhahahaha
  2. WARNING: No one is to hit angel, except me.
    I am a very selfish shadow.
  3. Technically, I could hit angel too then.

    I'm a shadow as well.
  4. Don't even try. He's got marsh babies :3
  5. @B2shadow
    Once I'm done, angel is all yours.
  6. Just made a few nice adjustments... your move
  7. Your move! I activate my trap card :cool:
  8. I never understood why nobody on that show would rely on trap cards.. cowardly, but who cares?
  9. I had the dark magican and that one star that ate other monsters. I was legit
  10. Stars can eat?
  11. Never mind....grrr now I'm frustrated. I can't put it into words...
  12. By posting "it", you put "it" into the form of a word.
  13. Scratching my nuts while reading this damn thread and wondering why am I reading this ****!
  14. I prefer scratching pistachios, very soothing.
  15. Does someone mind posting a pic for me? I can't because of PB being stupid
  16. Can anyone post?
  17. I feel like this thread did not go as OP expected... and I can Mew, just pm me the url
  18. Thanks man
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