Apology to -ShadowAssassin-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 7, 2013.

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  1. A thread was needed because?
  2. Honestly downfall, this is the most exciting thing that's happened since charles got banned.
  3. Honestly though, if you must make a thread attempting to destroy me, at least apply brain cells into its creation. At least beatlemania made a deep, thoughtful post. You, on the other hand, killed brain cells.

    Have you no heart?
  4. I never liked Charles..
  5. Whoop whoop! Team Shadow
  6. That's why it was exciting! :)
  7. Good luck OP
  8. Is his wall broken? Did this need to be in forums?
  9. Luck? I'm a shadow, the mortal concept of probability makes me scoff... very loudly.
  10. Yes at least use a couple brain cells in making threads.
  11. Pssh, who breaks walls? The last time that happened, Vontage gained an extra country.
  12. Ok, my advisors tell me vonage has no 't'. Oops.
  13. I am his advisor. :cool:
  14. Can you advise what's in my pants? ;)
  15. There's nothing there, sorry. :lol:
  16. Downfall is right. Except some leftover burrito :shock:
  17. Ooooh, ouch. :(
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