apology to Osiris

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. Ah build up then.. Come on slow poke. When am I gona get inc brah!
  2. Jugg cowboy and Lala called me out and showed in my news, exactly how is this my fault?
  3. If this is what os is like I'm glad I left, I know there's some warriors their but also alot of cowards who only fight when #'s favor them as you synthetic,cowgirl and Lala continue to display time and time again.."hey guys he's hitting zaft lets dog pile him" lmao
  4. So you're against Osiris again? I'm confused :(
  5. No just the ones that are hitting me from there
  6. Your mouth is what gets you hit bud. Stop runnin it through forums and maybe you wouldn't have this many people out to hit ya.
  7. How is an apology to Osiris running my mouth?
  8. This thread was made out of respect and was a hard decision for me to make
  9. Respect? The amount of respect you've gained from Osiris amounts to the **** I just took. I'm glad I get to hit ya you're not worth zaft or anyone else's time. Fight on forum warrior slay me with your words.
  10. Ill tell pussies what, I'm gonna be off for a few days bc I'm going on vacation, if you, cowgirl and Lala can get my top 3 sdp down to 0 I will retire silently without a word. Try to do this by yourselves without wailing for help like u 3 tend to do. I won't mith, I won't even be on. There u go, you want to retire me early nows your chance, put up or shut up. I've got about 2500 left of each, shouldn't be too hard for 3 people over 3 days
  11. Well burn your pots but what you are going to do is just buy more in your never-ending quest for attention. Have a good vacation! Don't kaw and drive we all wouldn't want to see you on actual news!
  12. No bud I'm retiring anyway, I'm just giving u a chance to say you retired me, I won't even be on...GL I'm out
  13. Wtf happened. Why does osiris hate lethal again? Lala u just said in ep how u regret how his stay was short lived
  14. Come on guys, don't go and assassinate his ass steal it endlessly
  15. Lock this trend
  16. If u are leaving good luck in real life
  17. Stop trolling lethal. Lock thread plz
  18. Lethal I wasn't talking about you trolling I was telling them to stop trolling you
  19. Y'all stop trolling lethal he is a great friend and a brother to me so just stop. What has he done to y'all? Probably nothing. Just let him be in peace