apology to Last Rights

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _l3ad__-gURu-___MaCHiNE_______, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. This time, war us. Do not hide
  2. I planned the strip btw give me my credit 
  3. @lala- if you didn't care about getting hit- why would you apologize and surrender? That seems weird. I mean- if you were cool with the whole getting hit thing- why would you make a fake apology thread? Furthermore- why would you be so bitter that you needed to talk smack everywhere and then go back on your word and break the agreement to cf on you by plotting behind our backs? Just seems odd, you know- for someone who doesn't care???
  4. @bellemorte just shut up
  5. Shadow, heres your respect.. u done a strip, and posted it in pal. In a pal room that has members from everywhere. Including me. Watching u talk. I even spoke to you in there. And u still blabbed of the strip
  6. Belle u will get ur answers for the thread in due time
  7. And i still have a target waiting to rise up. He was in that pal too.
  8. If u all want to say this thread was a lie and blah blah blah then so be it. I will follow thru on what I was planning way before this thread was made. Something that I had reconsidered and decided not to do. But now u have so forcefully changed my mind. So like I said in due time.
  9. Seems this thread is more active than my incomings. Last Inc was over 4hrs ago... Incase LR isn't aware, here u go.

    let's stop talking and osw.

    Especially u PFM.... Ur mouth is bigger than belles ****
  10. shadow u planned this amazing 7bil strip?? ok credit for being horrible at planning! better?

    i stripped u of 9 bil and cleared 6bil myself, winning?
  11. I joined Last Rights because I like the way people don't cry and have their 1v1 as opposed to some others who always bring in their entire clan.

    That being said, we will attack as one (which we do very well) if someone striips one of ours or if it's not 1v1. To me that's how it should be.

    Now thats out of the way... If you don't want to play with the big dogs, stop poking to see what you're gonna get because sometimes you will get mauled. There is no doubt as to your involvement so at least own up to it
  12. really lala ?!?
  13. @shadow- no. I asked my friend nicely if he would ask you to leave or kick you. So, it's still correct.
    I'm not sure what your comment about foxes war meant? I didn't backstab anyone in that that I recall....

    And then what are you on about us trolling clans? Stop being vague and spit it out.

    I wasnt aware that you had an alt in WoF. Had I realized this, I would have requested your removal.

    Why? Because as you stated yourself, as a farm of pinky's, you were using the eb to self pin and make gold. You sort of lost that right when you pulled a lala and posted an apology thread and then recanted it halfway through.

    @lala- your comment concerning the difference between an LR farm and a 1vs1 is legit. However- just because it is a 1vs1 doesn't mean that we allow the player to go make gold in other clans besides his home clan. As he was kicked from bh, where he was originally stationed, he lost his privilege of working out the 1vs1 terms with the clan owner.

    Now- lets talk about common sense. Was it the smartest choice to bring a guy to your clan who is being farmed by a member of LR? Right after you apologized and surrendered to us to get us off your backs? I mean- just a little common sense here.

    However, lets not confuse this. Your clan isn't being targeted because shadow is there. I'm not quite sure what would have been decided if you refused to remove him. No one knows because the bigger issue is your involvement in the strip of pinky.
  14. just spit out my sentence judge belleso I can tell u where exactly to shove it.
  15. As compelling as you think that response was, it smells of butthurt. Enough chit chat - check for me in your feed 
  16. Shadow, ur disgusting. Bo more reply on ur last comment
  17. Irrelevant to this topic but think i might ad please send your prayers to the families of those affected by the tragedy. Thankyou.

    _PFM_ i regret some of the actions i have made and i for one will step up and apologise for it i made a strip in a 1vs1 and it was uncalled for. But as for you pinky you are four times my size this is not a means to brag about really. Please dont troll this comment and i ask the above request ty p.s this does not change my stance
  18. Shadow u have no reason to apologize. This is my doing u stepping up changes nothing but is admirable.
  19. 2:1 odds that shadow is bipolar and off his meds. Any takers?
  20. Shakzaa not bipolar a wise man said to me war to make friends and farm the **** out of enemies  i will follow that advise from now so that from this war i can make friends because its a game and at the end of the day thatvis the best way to enjoy it 
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