well dont act like im picking on a tiny acct nub, own up to the fact that not only did i strip u but u lost a ton of gold selling all those coe's
u still lost gold ever time u sold a coe, im not gonna do the math but if u didnt notice the amount of gold lost thats your fault
Hey pinky- y u bank in sdp? U claimed the last war that u don't buy sdp and that what u had at the time was what the acct came with... Well the last of those were burnt this morning so where did the 11sdp come from?was it santa Claus??
I got an idea lr why dont u stop talkin and show everyone how far the mighty have fallen lets get sideways folks
Nope guess shutting up and fighting is outa the question lucky for us they talk better than they fight
Lol pepper. You're too small to hit. Maybe LR could volley you some gold to upgrade so we can hit you?
Keeping all of WoF with real accounts dtw while receiving minimal inc (my last was 9 hours ago but I've unloaded at least 6 full bars) is hardly talking more than playing. Don't follow in the lala footsteps and select to lie about everything - get an account you can play and bring it. WoF lip flapping all over kaw as they abandon their accounts and get massive spankings is getting old. You're not fooling anyone because its obvious you are no match for LR (or any other real clan for that matter). So go to your accounts and press ATTACK instead SEND or POST for a change.
Sugar^ stop talking. Your a fake farmer all you do is attack me, no spy pinning or anything o the sort, You might aswell hit EB instead.
yep its just great there i just come here to watch LR and Regs in their sanboxes of Little girl Drama.
Oh wait my bad i assumed it would be acceptable.to.build.my own acc rather than taking some one.elses then actin.like i done.somthin