apology to Knights of the fire emblem

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. lol cheese, an excuse for everything. Stay frosty little guy.
  2. No. I didn't. Just merely an observation from an earlier thread where you stated you were quitting. It's still a valid observation of the fact that you're still playing the game.
  3. I will stay frosty.

    And may you stay narcissistic. Feeding an endless need for reassurance can be quite a monumental task.
  4. Again, I work in facts. Ill re-state it again (as you've clearly overlooked it)...

    She fought tooth and nail, you folded like a warm sheet. She ended the fight on her terms, you got beaten into submission and leaving the main component of the game (not forums clearly). I respect this as I've respected all opponents who admit defeat when there's no other option.

    Know when you are beat, come back stronger. Your method actually makes me lol.
  5. For you:


    Keep on being the cool guy and not reading through before commenting.

    You must be the guy who jumps in conversations he isn't a part of and creates awkward moments with oddball comments, aren't you?
  6. Keep rehashing that same old song, lil' wheezy. Take credit for something neither you nor your friends are responsible for. So far, the only one who's posted any verifiable facts here has been Senor.

    Narcissism - keep feeding it.
  7. Cheese you should probably go to bed, throwing temper tantrums is tiring and you need your rest for school.

    Merc and TROLL's point is valid: you didnt quit, you're still here QQ'ing about how you never gave up when in fact... You did.
  8. So after the account was transferred after 3 days you're still here. Again. You can't claim to have quit something while you're still doing it. How is that an "oddball" comment? How is what I've stated in any way untrue? Sheesh. I mean obviously you're still playing. You're here right now on the forums after the delayed account transfer. Quit or don't quit. That's not complicated. As for why you chose to give your account away. I wasn't implying those reasons weren't true. I merely noticed that you've stated you were quitting and that you're still around.
  9. Like I said in my first response to you - if your narcissism is satiated by believing that it was your friends who "forced" me to "fold," then I'm all for it. I support good mental health.

    If believing that keeps you out of Batman movie showings at theaters and spraying indiscriminately with automatic weapons, then I'll tell you whatever you wanna hear.
  10. So now even after reading the comment, in which it seemed to imply that the transfer is now completed, you're still playing. So really by not reading your comment it didn't change anything or make what I said inaccurate.
  11. I explained in my first post what I'm doing back here.

    You call it "still playing." I call it "clearing my name."

    We obviously don't see eye to eye on this.

    Just know that I'll have no more business here once folks finally give up on trying to call me a liar.
  12. I wasn't trying to call you a liar. Just it clearly looks like you're still playing just from a different account. But once you're gone they can still bad mouth your name. Never let the opinions of those who don't matter to you affect your choices.
  13. I wasn't trying to say that you were calling me a liar.

    Zattoichi and TROLL were the ones calling me a liar at first. Then lil' wheezy had to hop on and start running his narcissistic mouth, too.

    I don't take many things seriously, but one thing I do take very seriously is my integrity. I don't like having it questioned.
  14. I read a few pages back, Alison asking peeps to let this thread die. Cheese why don't you create your own thread and let this one rest.
  15. It should have been locked already, but people keep bringing my name up.
  16. Yea. I can understand that. But in the end you can't always change the minds of others. So by coming back all you're doing is showing their power over you. People will say what they want to say. People will believe what they want to believe. Just my views of course but all this seems to show is your affected by their comments. This gives them power. They speak and you answer. Anyways. I feel there's not really anything more for me to say. Keep in mind the above and realize that some things in the end, just make things worse even if it's purpose is meant to be good. Just some food for thought.
  17. @merc,

    I don't really care what they think they have power over or not. I've always taken pleasure in embarrassing people who try to come at me here with flawed logic and misinformation.

    Yes, I'll be lurking - until their obsession with me fades, and the spread of lies ceases.
  18. Charles nice to see you around. Cheese, wheezy an the other dude. Arguing an argument about another argument. Just stick a damn sock in uumel pie holes and zipp it