apology to Knights of the fire emblem

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. My previous account was dtw because there have been over 200 losers mindlessly banging the attack button in a futile attempt to "prove" something to me, which will never happen. The only thing they've proven is that every, single one of them are nothing but a bunch of gutless cowards. They are each the skinny, little punk "wannabe" gangsters at school, hiding out with their like-minded, loser friends.

    You're lucky I don't know you - I've got dirt on quite a few people in this game. I'm so far past the will to put in the effort to dig up dirt on you, but I suggest you watch your mouth before you go around throwing stones about someone you know nothing of.

    You call me a liar - you better check my references first, pal - I never lie.

    Same goes for you. I'm really surprised to see a comment like this from you. You have always had a reputation of posting credible information in KaW forums - why are you throwing that reputation away by posting lies now?

    And to everyone who didn't read this far, you're probably going to have something cute to say about me not leaving forums. I will not be called a liar. It's not my fault it took ATA 3 days to transfer the account.

    And to Alison - I'm disappointed in you for posting this. You did nothing wrong. You have nothing to apologize for.
  2. Cheese, you just won the game.
  3. Cheese do you have anything on me?
  4. How's this for cute:
     You didnt have to apologize, you tapped out completely and quit the game altogether
  5. Furthermore; you now post forums (which is your limit of exploitation and only impact on the game ever) with a no stat alt, the epidemy of cowardice and the definition of irony.
  6. Somebody didn't read my retirement thread, but if believing that I quit this game as a result of something your friends did is a boost to your low self-esteem, I will support you believing anything that will help. :cool:
  7. Words are just that, words. Claim to have quit for whatever reason you like, but I work in facts. You were on a one way street dead end getting farmed and pinned 24/7 and you quit while that was going on.

    Besides, shouldn't you be studying right now? It's passed your bed time little guy!
  8. Word warrior Noob
  9. Epitome*

    And I've got nothing to prove, unlike you and your friends. There's nothing cowardly or ironic about it. I have posted with my main. I have pulled off successful one-man strips against members of a family of clans. These are just a few of the many things I've done in this game. I've done everything I have wanted to in this game. Once I mastered the mechanics, the only thing that held my attention was forums.

    Keep on huffing and puffing, lil' wheezy. I'm sure all the lurkers are cowering in fear reading this.
  10. Weezus, I remember him saying he was quitting before this started.
  11. I can't help but feel pity for the world in which your mind exists. It's a world where the foundation of one's self is dependent upon the idea that anything you or your friends do will directly impact the lives of others.

    There's a word for that - narcissism.
  12. Thank you.

    Someone actually making factual statements on this thread.
  13. Good for him, his timing is impeccable.

    And lol @ word warrior comment eloquence in speech is a strength of mine. I've been in my fare share of scraps, I know how to handle myself :).
  14. Thank god for your pity, I have a hard time sleeping at night while applying my black belt of logic to KaW.
  15. Wrong - your friends' timing was impeccable. In fact, that's the exact wording I used to describe the timing of this fiasco in my retirement thread.

    And watch your comma splices - they're making my eyes bleed.

  16. You wouldn't know logic if it knocked up your significant other.
  17. Only observation I have is that obviously you have not quit yet Cheese. The forums are as much a part of the game as EBs and stats and anything else in this game. So you can't claim to have quit while you still are around.
  18. Regardless, cudo's to you Alison. You fought well, adapted your build and effectively took out half their clan from your news feed. It takes a big person to realize they are beat and an even bigger person to admit it. Good luck rebuilding, I agree with all the above stated respect for doing what you need to do to continue enjoying the game.
  19. Somebody didn't ready my first post on this thread.
  20. Kudos to lil' wheezy for abandoning his "argument."

    It's always best to quit while you're behind. :cool: