Apology to IXIGIXI_-KING-_IXILIXI of X Factor: Peace

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jagid, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Explain how I am bashing. I apologized for what I did. I also included the facts of what I did. I said thank you to the nice people. I disagreed with the people I disagree with.
  2. Lol. You aren't your whole clan now are you?

    You assume your whole clan was stripped because you got stripped yesterday? Ohhhh how the story has changed
  3. Dude review my post. I said that's what the guy told me; I didn't say that's what happened. It is subtle but there is a difference.

  4. And I didn't get stripped. I waited for my allies to sell and bought bronze bars.
  5. Since its not exactly 1v1, one of you noobs attack me so i can play too :)
  6. Op first post page 3

    "Wait you don't understand, I'm having a blast
    They stripped the whole clan"
  7. 1vs1 he claims lol I was hit buy 5 accts how do I know that's his alts hence why clan got hit? And correct me if I'm wrong but didn't clan kick u cuz they wanted no part of your lies?
  8. Well looks like i win this argument. I've successfully proven op has lie on 2 different occasions and made him look dumb in the process.

    Off to cc now to hit targets 
  9. Punishing me I just noticed that post lol I'm a sh and he's failing 100% of the time that's what's hilarious anyway I gave u your cf any more inc or further bashing me in forums cf will be revoked happy kawing
  10. No I left and they were telling me not to go.
  11. If you wont hit me will you rp with me instead? You can be an eb noob and i can be red apherion who hits back :)
  12. I didn't plan on winning. Like I said on your wall I am the new mosquito in your ear. I am not obsessed with being bigger and better than everyone like you are. I am quite secure in my manhood.

    Also, King, you said you wrote down everyone's allies and were going to strip them.
  13. You are hillarious!
  14. If the cf is granted, then drop the entire subject and just go KaWing again
  15. I guess now I know that Gearge Aiken plays KaW. Declare victory and run away! It didn't work in Vietnam either.
  16. So you go and start a bs thread about bullying now. You really don't feel like ever getting anywhere in this game do you? Op is another noob with a mouth that got him in trouble. Plain and simple .
  17. I will keep this up as long as I am being farmed.

    Yup, that's right folks, I don't even require an apology!
  18. Then this thread will require a lock.
  19. Oh, and you're prejudiced against three-month old kingdoms too! Wow that makes you sound even bigger and more powerful!

    I am sure the game developers would love the hear that their seasoned vets are against new people starting to play KaW.
  20. I wouldnt call people who hit people smaller than them 'seasoned vets' :lol: