Apology to hog

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by bablurani, Jun 20, 2013.

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  1. Is that an invitation from grow ?
  2. Lol we wouldn't wanna destroy u bro, ill accept ur cf
  3. Cf requested, I'm sorry for my childish behaviour, ill hire 200 bil worth of ur allies 
  4. As always just messing hog, love ya spookers
  5. Disrespecting Hog isn't a laughing matter for us ..... I found nothing funny about your post/s.
  6. Big Dog your a moron.
  7. Victims 
    Yummy <~ But smiling :)
  8. Haha perm farm 
  9.  I can smell his tears already. Gets me the red eyes 
  10. I was sad to see ca lose a target. Glad that didn't last long 
  11. Get off your period *****, bigdog was just joking around.
  12. Ok firstly go ask poppa if I'd disrespect hog. Then get back to me.

    Secondly I've known spookie since day one pretty much and was having a laugh at my exspense.
  13. Strictly, who was that towards?
  14. mommabear, for over reacting and being "disrespectful".
  15. So you think its wise to just go call mommabear a *****? Show more respect that that you little ****. I should **** slap you for that but instea ill go roll an alt , should only take me a second to get to your size
  16. You think i care who she is on a game? From what i saw she was the person who got overly defensive because she didnt understand what was going on.
  17. doesnt matter now for ya lil fella.
  18. Are you talking to me or my kingdom? If you think im that little i'll wait right here for you to come slap me.
  19. I've never liked those who act tough on a game... " grr. I'm a tough boy. I'm a broski. Look at deese guns. Ohh. Ahh. Grr. I'm a tough man big boy. I have big pants. Baah grr."
    Strict don't insult people... And other guy, calm down a bit. It's not like he's got a gun to her head.
  20. Its his name, it just bothers me.
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