South, you're obviously a moron. You actually have absolutely zero idea what went on with A8 lmfao. what a shame.. if you're such a "tough guy" yourself, show us a main, or at least a decent account. are ya scared? awww wittow baby want his binky.
South bears an uncanny resemblance to Obamas-White-Girlfriend. What happened to that account South? Oh yeah, perm forum banned... My bad. Keep your inflammatory remarks off this thread from now on.️
Ohhh yeah. Obama white girlfriend was the one who called me crap devil. Not roni. Hey mod, isn't it against the RoC to change people's name in a quote?
I remember thunderdome when I use to ee with them I found it really nooby when you guys made people who slept during ee to post in forums sorry
Muhahaha Scoutlawz. Don't be surprised when I strip your main again. Statless alts only work when peeps don't know who it is. Thanks for something to do until asw starts.
Twice bald lame ass tater resorted to baby noises on page 3. You should not be allowed to speak here. That was worst comeback I have seen since your daddy tried to stop me from treating your mom to a good time