Apology to Divine Regiment

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheIlIOnlylIlOne, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Well Done DR.
  2. Lol shayne you noob
    Good job DR
  3. shayne,

    you are a force to be laughed at.

    this sounds like a noob thread. congrats to the noob clan that made the other noob clan post an apology.

    kaw needs more of this

  4. _NoobSpeaker_
    You are an alt to be mocked.
    That sounded line a noob post. Congrats to your saltless alt that made his main look like a coward.

    Kaw needs more of you :roll:
  5. Lmao, well said wulf. Support and respect to DR.
  6. Congrats to jburk and family. War on mates.
  7. Congrats Devine Regiment and Jburk