Apology to Bandaid

Discussion in 'Wars' started by 3B_M0NST3R0F3_L0RD, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. To be clear I was stripped first. I hit back. What do you expect. It will be a long time before I get bored
  2. Lol I was also hit after the CF and I was hopping war would start up again so we can continue to beet down WOF
  3. *Grabs popcorn* mmm this will be good!! Me loves you long time lala! Gooooo lala!
  4. I just read ops post they hit WOF and got no Inc so claimed victory  so I can farm any clan wait 10 secs get no Inc and then claim victory. Op is an idiot victory is when oppent is defeated or surrenders till then cf (continue fighting)
  5. Sir Martin... It looks like you are trying to get it started again... There is a reason your owner asked for CF and one reason was not that you were beating WoF down...
  6. :lol: eblord
  7. Lord stannis you say you were stripped first? Yet you were in ig systems at the time you joined. An hour after cf you stripped me, and 2 times since, so why would we have stripped you if we didnt know you were a main?
  8. You stripped my alt with outside help. So when I got on and discovered it I didn't look to see if There was a cf. I returned the hits and then some. IT'S a war game.
  9. Shut up lord_stannis. You really expect us to believe you didn't know there was a cf for 6hrs.
  10. Awww Lord_stannis, you want a tissue or some anusol? cause thats gotta hurt....

    Now we stripped your alt in an osw that had stripping in it, so you thought you would try to use your main and strip me huh, 3 attempts so far, (please go again my allies suck) and then you get all hurt that your still hit?

    I have your clan mate in pm, well ex clan mate, saying its our fault cause you didnt know....you dont read cc? or ca? or pm from the clan you were in?
  11. Can someone tell kieran81 to put some clothes on? Its cold outside!
  12. They went inactive the second day of the osw. Easy strip they were.
  13. lol sounds boring
  14. I still wanna see Lala naked. Just sayin. ;)
  15. I SERIOUSLY doubt this bag of ****... You thought they were inactive and thought you could go for a free win without working *facepam
  16. Wth?!? Shame will u ever leave me alone. U would think that by me blocking u on two apps u would get a clue. Now u have come to forums to harass me??
  17. Harass?! :D Poor, fragile, hard-done-by BandAid. Please don't crumble and reset. What would we all do for laughs then?