apology for farming.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DarthVadersEmpirw, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. So basically you all are saying its ok for him to unload on a hansel but not when someone bigger than him returns the favor. If any of you forum babies have an issue then feel free to fill my news. You'll see how we roll then.
  2. Lmao I wouldnt redo it they snitched an got you silenced that a been all the payment received Op
  3. Lolz
    Size differences don't matter
    Is it illest's fault he's bigger? No

    If a smaller player pissed off a bigger player, they'll get hit regardless of size.

    Support to KoTFE here.

    But to bring it to forums than call everyone forum babies..

    No support, pretty illogical.

    The mistake 'real KaWers', as they like to call themselves, make is assuming forumers are all talk and can't take a hit.
    There's more apology threads in forums from non-forumers than from forumers.

  4. A hansel can fight an attack build, very easily. Someone his size stands no chance against your size. He couldn't win an attack if you were empty and he was fully potted/mithed up. I'm no advocate of fighting fair, I could care less. Just don't make him beg in forums and think that makes you a badass.
  5. Gladiator with your 733 loses, you're either an alt or you don't know what consequences are. Hahaha
  6. I'm a main, but I reset a few months ago, now I'm trying to get back to a reasonable size before getting into trouble again.
  7. You said more or less exactly what I said, Justice.
  8. Dont bring we over here illest you can handle me like Op (;
  9. Thou should never apoligize
  10. this thread made meh lol
  11. Yeah
    But I'm already in LOS ca

  12. Crap I hate my phone! It took only the first word! Anyways respect for clay, duna, and kotfe
  13. you know the guy Vlad has apologised to actually hit him first eh and gods_Illest just bullying vlad
  14. Its a war game so it's not up to you lot if the cf should be accepted or not op is just playing the defenceless card and because he post a cf it makes it ok for him now most of you posting won't know half the story and the other half is just looking at the size difference 
    Tell you what how about I make a alt and start hit you saying crap to you then because you crushed my alt cos it deserved it I post a cf on forums and make out I'm the innocent guy now ask your self this would you cf cos I sure wouldn't
  15. Unload on kid with god complex, lost every hit. Couldn't care less

  16. .. Kid with a God complex! Man I wonder who you unloaded on.
  17. The other guy/nobbed up alt. I could unload on you too if you like. Can't have you tough guys thinking we're all scared of stats on a tap tap game can we