Apologies to Devs about Fangs

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Redstag, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. This is just a short statement for my behavior.
    I want to say sorry to the Devs, when amounts were announced for the prizes I let the mob mentality of WC dictate my behavior. Sad to say I was one of the people crying about how unfair it was that the amounts were set so high. I came to realize that I should be thankful for whatever level I can reach because this is something they didn't have to do. Furthermore it is generous of them to be handing out free aqua, inferno, Chrystal's and seals for the lower level prizes.
    So Devs if you see this please accept my apologies for my behavior and thank you very much for this fun event.

  2. I had the same, its in wrong topic but okay, thanks devs for this awesome event