Kek you act like veterans are able to distinguish regular people from people who can bs stuff extremely well.
This isn't real life you know what I you or anyone else does or says here means nothing shouldn't let it get to you that's sad.
Scorpion you are wrong :lol: . You don't need to die to be a veteran first off lmao. How is it dishonorable to say you have served or are currently in service?! Also, not all veterans have fought to keep and make us free. On top of all that, you think Veterans have a special ability to distinguish between actual veterans and people who just say they are, even online... Are you mentally handicapped?
No, we wouldn't be. But let's not make the assumption that just because we are made secure by our military that it is a completely good and noble thing. It's not the military that keeps us safe, it's the implied threat of force. What the military ACTUALLY DOES is a far cry from what the non-military public thinks. Sure, there's a lot of military folk and most are good and decent people. But let's not pretend that the military isn't our hired muscle with virtually no will of its own. Congress is constantly misusing it. Attacking other countries under the auspices of "homeland security" doesn't make us safe. Drinking the kool-aid doesn't make us safe. Other countries being afraid of attacking us make us safe. For now.
You're absolutely right. I'm not defending our foreign policy. In fact, I protest it regularly here in my home town. It's illegal and a disservice to the American people, and more importantly, the families whos lives have been broken by lost loved ones due to illegal war. So, yes, having a military does keep us safe, because without it, we'd make a pretty easy and juicy target.
It should be noted that military is disallowed from operating on US soil. So how the military can "keep us safe" is limited to stopping invasions. It does nothing against acts of terrorism, our own dangerous population, natural disasters, etc, etc, etc. Claiming that the military "keeps us safe" is like saying my flu shot "keeps me healthy", it's only kind of true, and in the ways I'm most at-risk in my daily life, the military does jack squat.
This really pisses me off, being active duty marine, 3 tours its upsetting to see idiots stealing valor. Semper Fi
That's good. It's important for our service members to know this isn't a video game and racking up a "bad guy" kill count isn't the purpose.
While what OP did was wrong and totally not justifiable, let's take into account he's a 13 year old pubescent kid. I'm sure we've all made mistakes as a kid, it's a learning process. If a 13 year old kid did this in real life, I'm not going to beat him up to make him understand, cause some of the posts here seem very aggressive. I'm sure there are other ways to make a kid understand. Hopefully this serves as a lesson and he won't resort ever again to stealing valor.
How is anyone stealing valor? The liars gain mild respect from a few on a video game, which subtracts 0 from yours in real life.
If you haven't served or are not currently serving, then claiming it is not honorable! It's key descriptions, words, or statements that are made and not true that veterans pick up on. That's what I'm referring to. And a veteran is someone who has served in the military at any given time. I never said at any point that you had to die to be a veteran. Read my post again!
Yeah this is upsetting but a serious crime? It's not doing any physical harm to anyone and shouldn't be treated as a serious crime
I don't see how an iilegal war under false pretences in Iraq helped to keep any American free. Plus its hypocritical to boast about freedoms in one sentence then say you're not allowed to have an opinion unless you agree with me. That's tyranny a bit like illegal invasions hmm
Stealing valor is one of the dumbest thing I have ever heard over the Internet. I'll be honest when I was 12 so a year younger then this kid I told people on a game I was a marine, because I look up to marines and am amazed by them and hope to be one! My step grandfather (basically real one since I've grown up with him since I was 2) was a marine. He's I think 72 and I didn't mean it in a bad way I just thought marines were so cool I just wanted to say I was! And if you're offended by adults who say they are online, who cares!! Maybe they wanted to be one but have a disability and have found other ways to help out, or just didn't have the courage but loves them! Or the person is an attention whore and it just brings them peace to fake it online! Either way it's a 9 game, don't take things you see on here too serious!
Scorpion you said veterans have served, died, and sacrificed everything. I see what you mean but it can be interpreted in more then one way,
It is actually punishable in the court of law! But I just want everyone to know that it's not ok to go around claiming to be a veteran if you're not. I do understand it's a game, but it's no different than a face to face in my opinion. I just don't want to see this type of stuff going on. I respect all your opinions and arguments and only ask that you respect ours in return.