Apocolypse Members Deserve to hear the TRUTH

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *We_Deserve_Better (01), Feb 5, 2013.

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  1. To everyone saying post with your main, you're missing the point. He wants to fight, he is willing to fight Potless and naked(or so he says). He wants to fight ZAFT though, not his own clan...

    He is just pointing out that Apoc may not be daring as well as many think. I don't know if that's true, but posting with an alt is completely reasonable.
  2. No it's not Orb.

    If he thinks this is inappropriate to post about on his main, it doesn't make it any more appropriate to do it on his alt.

    He should man up, if he has something to say about Apocalypse, just god damn say it. If he actually posted this with a main, he'd be one of the most respected people in my books for quite a while.

    But he didn't, he posted an alt, and I think it's Embarrasing this guy is an admin in an Apoc clan.
  3. But he's not an apocalypse admin.

    He's an alt of iProphet, who is butthurt about HoG smacking him around.
  4. Which would then draw off accounts off Zaft and onto his account..?

    There might be a more personal level to it but there is also a practical...

    And you know how these things work. Apoc would say that he was a war runner, no idea how he got admin etc. At the very least, he got some people to look at the war from a different perspective.
  5. @ Anarchy

    Why should OP or anyone else give a damn about your book? Do you have anything relevant about the war to add, or are you simply trying to impress everyone with your bravery for posting with your itty bitty non warring account and single 58b ally? And yeah, I'm an alt. But I ain't the one here thumping my chest and playing He-Man. That would be you. Not sure why though. I ain't impressed.
  6. OP could have spelt Apocalypse right in the title...
  7. All I needed to read was the first few sentences to know you're not apoc. Who in their right mind would give details about what they said? Somebody with the IQ of 9. If you complain to your leaders and your leaders see that an alt that has the same complaint as you do... Never mind. If you don't know then you probably won't understand what I'm saying.
  8. Another tread by a stir stick alt. Nothing more. Just a waist of our time. Until an actual main makes these stories. Then there's something viable. :idea:
  9. 2nd to last paragraph.. Change there to their.. Just saying lol
  10. @Anarchy on page 4 bottom post

    What if it was a Zaft alt portraying an Apocalypse alt that was portraying an Apocalypse main.. We will never know without the main account posting the thread on his own
  11. Respect for the post, it's not like other noobs. Well written most likely trolls will disrespect it but that's them. At least you spoke up what others can't.
  12. Actually the first giveaway was when you said, "apoco". I have never heard an apoc member add an o. Sure I guess it's possible but never seen it before. :/
  13. I've never heard anybody call him "lar lar". Sounds like a pet name to me. :lol:
  14. FAITH used to be Zaft Faith. Thought FAITH doesn't like Zaft anymore. Must've been wrong.
  15. Good job posting with an alt to.....
    1. Provide misinformation
    2. Usage of Apoco n Lar Lar, discredits the OP bcos definitely not APoC member, bcos those are terms used by different clans n terms of endearment.
    3. No alt, no matter how close you are to APoC admin would write so accurate descriptions of events. Shows that it's an alt from the other side but most likely a "Secret Mole" :D
    4. If Sinmo, was the biggest strip, you'd know the exact figures, bcos all APoC member would take the opportunity to crow.
    5. Lots about HoG is mentioned, probably a HoGgy was overheard n great way to spread this around, to start finger pointing within APoC Admin group.
    6. This post alone shows that APoC has at least two spies in there. ^watches APoC admin trying to sniff out rats.

    Would you like to join my Phil It Up show?
    Would make you into a Special Guest. =)

    Posting with his main would kill his main. Not a good idea. All his hard work would be lost. This is good war tactic but keep your descriptions murky n not pin sharp accurate.
    And forget it. No APoC Admin or Leader will comment on this thread. You think they're crazy.

    Again, once again. I reiterate.....
    Have you seen iG or Subclan members posting pointless Alt laden threads in Forum. NO.

    All these threads are being done by people who are crying over broken teeth for trying to bite something that were not meant for them. Please try using Colgate more often. Drink more milk n take calcium supplements.

    All OSW players have 10k pots or more.
    This is not even the mid point of the OSW.
    Once that point is reached. Fresh troops will enter and that's when the tide of the battle will turn.
    This is normal for all OSW types of battle/war.
    Once you've reached midpoint. Fresh troops will enter and the losing side will be flattened and crushed and destroyed beyond recognizable shape.

    It's a 1-2 sucker punch n when you come at him you get machine gunned to death and as you lie whimpering on the earth leaking life fluids your vision is clouded by a silverly sight. You'll see a steamroller come along and make you into a paste spread all over the tarmac.
  16. I doubt this guy is an apocalypse player, much less an admin of that group. Taking drivel from an alt that essentially gives his side a couple of half-hearted props then proceeds to trash everything about his team screams fake. It seems to be the standard these days that each side creates alts claiming to be from the other side and then the alt proceeds to bemoan how their side is "losing" the war.

    I'm fighting in the other war and have seen this same crap on threads involving iG, Regs, BH, etc. I'm not impressed whether your promoting or insulting my enemies/friends when it's done with an alt.
  17. Well we know he's from the UK
  18. How come anytime someone posts an articulate post they claim it is iProphet? He can't be the only person in Kaw that can write well!?!?
  19. Loren saph jalbyr iprophet alt posting 'sohna
  20. Malestone…

    Do you post on an iDevice? I hope a computer… :lol: . Your posts, like always, are great, but I'm just wondering how much words you typed :shock: .
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