ohh wow so funny so origional. Never heard of Neon_Lion in all the years ive played kaw.Yet i notice now that i have a pull people out from under the shadows and get them to get talking and be socialble once again talent.
I am not claiming to be a someone. But who are you to talk down to someone as though you are a god. Also I don't run my mouth all the time and spew crap all over everything. Maybe some food for thought? Close your mouth every once in a while?
Neon mind your own buisness i dont pretend to be god .if you actually had a brain you can read and see that infact they were trying to be sarcastic to me. so like i am going to be nice to the creeps and bow down to them .and i will talk however and when ever i want and get lost trying to lecture me like your some sort of proffessor. But dont ever lose that loutish and childish & corny sense of humour ." You the man ".
Well you see when you refer to someone as a no one you are placing yourself above them making you feel better about your own short comings. Maybe it's due to the lack of respect towards other people? And there it is again your god complex has come again to play. You see here sonny there is a time and a place to "talk how you want" and that is not "where ever you want". That leads to issues down the road that you will soon figure out. I believe you are more bark than bite. I am of course referring to both the real world and the imaginary game of KaW. You see I believe you let yourself appear big and bad to cover up some short comings as previously mentioned.
my life is always bustleing never a dull moment .Because i seem to have a knack at attracting all these leeches trying to butt their way into everything that surrounds me. and trying to act as if your a geezer too funny. calling me sonny .Yes you so funny when im female .you know it all dont you. that roni is short for veronica. and i will talk however and whenever i want and i been in this game long enough to have proved i am more than just bark . you though are a unknown and no fighting history . but im happy i brought you out of your shell and got you talking to the kaw world.
Once again your narrow mindedness shows that you are so preoccupied with proving yourself to all of these random people over the internet that you forget I was referring to the real world as well. You were also so preoccupied with "reminding me of my place" in a phone app that you also forgot to rebuttal my statements above.
You don't always have to attack people and try putting them down. The first post was seriously wondering what scandal you were referring to I've been kotfe a year I don't know all the ins and outs you seem to... And blah blah blah not everyone is out to get you top dog some are genuinely curious. And before you say it. I didn't join kotfe to be gangsta or any of that craps soo come off your high horse and have a decent conversation some times you just May have a better day
Forums has once again become the place where the same few people fight to be relevant in an irrelevant environment
Neon -Lion just another carbon copy of every other moron on kaw who trys to act as if he is a psycologist .yet really you need get your own self in order first.Why dont you go repeat that same message to all of Apoc .No you wont because you havent got the guts.
cynder saying the same repeated messages like hes relevant . we all see you cynder in worldchat saying the same nonsense .So you are no different than any of us.
Once again I am not claiming to be a psychologist nor am I acting like one. I know my limits. I work in the informatics demartment. Everything I know is what I have learned on my own by observing others and it doesn't take a brain doctor to see that you are a narcissist. You get caught up in a game where you believe you are the best and all of us "no ones" are not entitled to post on "your forums." As to the regards of having my life in order, I do in fact. I am enjoying life. I have everything I could ever want. A good job and a beautiful family. Although I wonder if you can say the same as you like to throw in the remarks of life orders. Although I might not necessarily agree with Apoc and how they go about their business, why should I bother repeating the same message? To prove to you I have guts? What is you opinion to me? Nothing. You are a faceless person who plays a phone app. I am not talking to apoc. I am talking to you. Just like your opinion is to me, my opinion in turn, will mean nothing to them. It will change nothing.
Neon_Lion just another coward who doesnt have the courage to go tell Apoc exactly the same comment although they all act much worse than me. Just stay brave typing your rubbish just a invisible face so confident to try lecture me. you have such a wonderful reallife yet your stuck in a game now writting me composistions. i very much doubt its all great for you but keep up that fake front.
Yes because I put pride into everything I do means my life sucks. Very observant of you. The only thing that means is that I like everything to be perfect. I don't like half assed things. If you are going to do something do it correctly. On the topic of apoc what would you like me to tell them? Hmmm? Summing up the actions of a few to represent many is not only extremely stereotypical but also very ignorant of you. You see in alliance that big you are sure to have some bad eggs but does this mean the entire alliance is bad? Of course not. There are plenty of good members in apoc. Do I agree with certain members of the alliance hire hitting and hiding behind their alliance? Of course not. Is this problem unique to apoc? Of course not. ZAFT did it before them as well as WDGAF. Unfortunately I am not made aware of the all the politics of what is going on due to my recent inactivity, I still hold by my beliefs. If there are a few weeds in a field should the farmer torch his crop? No. The farmer should remove the infestation from his crop. Like wise with apoc. Just because there are a few "bad" members among them doesn't mean the entire alliance is bad. Apoc should police itself. It is time for apoc to look inward and decide for itself what the alliance stands for and what direction it wants to take. Every successful corporation does this. Does this satisfy you your majesty?
Roni you are still clueless. The owner of cereal killers is WoG member.. You really need to realize that you know nothing and continue to prove that you are a useless rambler of nothing on here.
This loser never had a voice before i came into his life . Yesterday he buyed green aura mith costing him 28-30b he hired my allies 45b and dropped them a few hours later. he gained from that strip 10b .so the chump lost much more than me. today he buys green aura mith again and crys for help on forums twice. he gave up 20 minites ago nobody came to help him . and he had been silenced twice for his sleaze that he sayd to me. He is nothing more than a butthurt tryhard. but as i sayd before i have a knack at bringing the lifeless to life.
and yes you were the creator and owner if the cereal killers puns . you may have gave ownership over to someone else but you made it.