Does anyone really pay any attention to roni??? I haven't decided if I should be annoyed or amused by her!
Why everybody sooo fixated on Apoc's tower game? If you an OSW build you should have towers. Ninjas must be jelly that we collectively make enough funds to support our high sdt habit.
I pay attention, its a fav passtime of mine to bicker wit her. I could see where other people would get turned off by her rubbish, but I love hearing her outlandish conspiracy theories, and warped sense of importance
Re: Apocalypse - Weak Yes actually you did. You attempted to speak for everyone, including yourself, and you failed.
No, I didn't. Tell me then, where did I say I didn't care? I was simply stating my opinion about the stupidity of this thread.
Troll machine used paste loads of " i dont curr gifs " and nobody said one word to him or even questioned him about it. But jackson gets the 3rd degree .get off his case .Next time troll does one put him under scrutiny too .
Post all the gifs you want. I Like gifs. Its just stupid to say one thing and then the exact opposite a few pages later
I got banned from Apoc, 1738, was just a bunch of friends who were screwing around and farming people in HTE Clans. The idea was perfect, we would become a HTE clan, gather funds, whilst hitting the other HTE clans we would be growing at a fast rate. But me and Shady had a fallout and that's why I'm not with him and the others. Nonetheless, I wasn't in xf because 1. They merged into HoG 2. I was banned from Apoc after the TS-Kotfe incident. So at the end of the day, you saying I wasn't xf was invalid. I was xf in 2012, 2013 then I quit, came back in 2015, joined xf. Then got banned from Apoc.
First of all *scandal, and second of all why don't you tell us? You seem to be the all knowing so please enlighten us. Great thanks in advance
Sorry Atom roni has been offline the last 2 1/2 hours. Z'd with gold out if you'd like to join in. Let me know if she goes dtw and I'll buy another ally
armedtexandefect spends more gold buying green holy aura than what he gets back on stripping me. this goes to show how useless they are and need to cry out to others for help.
You're hilarious I'm not asking you to jump just tell us WHAT you assume or know is truth (at least as you see it) about this "kotfe-ts scandal" I'm a huge history buff. True fact