Apocalypse vs ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Merovingian, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. As of right now, the facts point to SE and their allies in Apocalypse being bullies. It also shows their diplomacy (or lack thereof) in the way they chose to approach dealing with Sircozza being in a ZAFT clan.

    Some people find that appealing. Others may not. The outcome of this war will determine which is the better avenue to take when dealing with issues like this.
  2. Oh hai Cheesy.

    (You know the war is big when cheese comes back to post on it. :lol: )
  3. Hey, Anarchy. :mrgreen:

    Yes, I still read forums when I'm on the crapper sometimes. I couldn't be happier about this war starting. :cool:
  4. @Cheese and other forum posties.. EE wars its a known fact clans invite friends from time to time.. Your post is pointless. You was on the right track before

    Zaft has already stated hes only been there for a month. The amount of made up drama while skimming through forums is comical by the 3rd partys. If your that bored go have a WAR of your own. Its a war game afterall......

    As for my clan being bullys its far from the truth the whole thing over tags started by a member of a clan with SE tags Causing dramas on wc. It was dealt with respectably on both sides. But it highlighted the fact that it is impossible for clans to co-exist under the same tags. It just causes dramas for the admin teams on both sides of the coin. We started approaching other clans and players and here we are.

    As for posting with alts... Why? If your points valid. Stand your ground and make it. Its the same as someone knocking on ya door in a clown outfit shouting wanker and skipping off...

    I respect all War clans we share the same overall pride and passion in our own clans..familys...and alliances. I would ask that you forum guys do to by stop posting such ****.

    All our fighters know what happened..the truth and why they are fighting....... I wonder if ZAFT members do...

    I have no doubt more drama....Pieces of the puzzle and truth will be exposed on here without the need for you to clog up the forums. So chill a little..watch it play out and try stay respectful 


    ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟--ػཥཐའϯཐ--ཛ།༏ϯཇ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟
  5. Good luck to both sides, can wait for more bs and mud throwing. Always fun to read. Have a good war and keep fighting for what you stand for. If its worth it, fight for it.
  6. War Machine,

    Very well said.

    As I stated in an earlier post, (may have been on another thread) I am not trying to cause trouble. Rather, I'm trying to sort the facts based on the information available.

    The current facts and timeline support Laoda's version more than Weezus' version.

    However, you're right. No one outside the conflict can know all the facts, and until those involved share those facts with the public, we will have to come to our own conclusions based on what information has been made available.
  7. Foxes, you have no place in this thread, or any involving Zaft and Apocalypse. We have friends on both sides. ANY derogatory posts by a Fox will be met with a drop from Fox family and any protection we can provide. You are warned.
    Galan Dracos
    Order of the Fox
  8. War machines:-laoda states more than a month not only a month..
  9. So I have read from a couple people I believe on here how this was talked about in a 3rd party app. Why not post the SS of said conversation to show what conspired?
  11. Vaspin is already stripped naked???
  12. Yup happened first off the bat when started i was at work on emergency action call and didn't even know what was going on. Oh well price to pay when in corporate and not so active.
  13. Its funny they say to ask for CF but never give even out of war cause all they got in little life is being a bully. So sad really.
  14. Vaspin u just requested a CF and already you are trashing us, you have already ran from ZAFT Anarchy and are still a target due to your various posts on peoples walls. After your last post on this thread trashing us again, your CF is denied.

    When you are ready to actually request a CF with a little more thought, then please requst one again.

    Thank you and see you in your news feed.

    True Spartans Leader
  15. Ive only request cf for since it started and was farmed, stripped, kicked out your pal group, and bullied so what im suppose to sit back and take it. I don't think so.
  16. You can hit me all you want asyjay it just ahows your clan is bullies like everyone says
  17. Cause as of today 1,278 hit on me yeah you can get 3k by tonight bully i know you can.
  18. So I'm man up and respectfully request a cf and try to repair relation.
  19.  Better.

    We accept your cf request and per our pm, you are not to join any ZAFT clans or participate in this conflict any further.

    We respect your tenacity and happy KaWing.

    TS ADMIN
    Unlicensed Gynocolgist
  20. LOL he's an unlicensed gyno quick I smell a lawsuit u got a layer